
The EOMonth(start_date,months) formula returns #AD? in a UK Excel version
created file when opened on Turkish Excel version. The EOMonth formula's
start_date reads from a separate cell where the date is manually entered.
Analysis ToolPak amp; Analysis ToolPak - VBA Add-ins are also selected.
The formula works on UK version Excel 2000, 2003. When the same formula is
tried on a blank spreadsheet on Turkish Excel version, it also works.
Has anyone come across a similar issue? Could anyone advise what the error
#AD? means and how to correct it?
Many thanks in advance!


This is because the EOMonth function is part of the Analysis Toolpak, and
these functions don't automatically translate.

You will need to redo it with the Tuirkish equivalent, or change it to a
standard function

=DATE(YEAR(start_date),MONTH(start_date) months 1, 0)


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

quot;Alexkquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Hi,
gt; The EOMonth(start_date,months) formula returns #AD? in a UK Excel version
gt; created file when opened on Turkish Excel version. The EOMonth formula's
gt; start_date reads from a separate cell where the date is manually entered.
gt; Analysis ToolPak amp; Analysis ToolPak - VBA Add-ins are also selected.
gt; The formula works on UK version Excel 2000, 2003. When the same formula
gt; tried on a blank spreadsheet on Turkish Excel version, it also works.
gt; Has anyone come across a similar issue? Could anyone advise what the error
gt; #AD? means and how to correct it?
gt; Many thanks in advance!
AD means NAME... could it be that you should be using quot;;quot; instead of quot;,quot;
.... I not 100 % sure but when I changed my language settings from English to
Turkish all my formulas with a comma converted to a quot;;quot;...

My two cents,

quot;Alexkquot; wrote:

gt; Hi,
gt; The EOMonth(start_date,months) formula returns #AD? in a UK Excel version
gt; created file when opened on Turkish Excel version. The EOMonth formula's
gt; start_date reads from a separate cell where the date is manually entered.
gt; Analysis ToolPak amp; Analysis ToolPak - VBA Add-ins are also selected.
gt; The formula works on UK version Excel 2000, 2003. When the same formula is
gt; tried on a blank spreadsheet on Turkish Excel version, it also works.
gt; Has anyone come across a similar issue? Could anyone advise what the error
gt; #AD? means and how to correct it?
gt; Many thanks in advance!

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