I am using a macro to validate a form. I would like cell A1 to equate to the
last four charecters of cell a4. For e.g if cell a1 is 552004k00 cell a4
should have the value 4k00. I would be grateful if you could provide this to
me in VBA code.
Message posted via OfficeKB.com
Range(quot;A1quot;).Value = Right(Range(quot;A4quot;).Value,4)
Bob Phillips
(remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)
quot;mohd21uk via OfficeKB.comquot; lt;u20517@uwegt; wrote in message
gt; I am using a macro to validate a form. I would like cell A1 to equate to
gt; last four charecters of cell a4. For e.g if cell a1 is 552004k00 cell a4
gt; should have the value 4k00. I would be grateful if you could provide this
gt; me in VBA code.
gt; Thanks
gt; --
gt; Message posted via OfficeKB.com
gt; www.officekb.com/Uwe/Forums.a...excel/200605/1
I have tried this function but it still gives me errors. I get the E 15 error.
I am wondering how I can change this,
Bob Phillips wrote:
gt;Range(quot;A1quot;).Value = Right(Range(quot;A4quot;).Value,4)
gt;gt; I am using a macro to validate a form. I would like cell A1 to equate to the
gt;gt; last four charecters of cell a4. For e.g if cell a1 is 552004k00 cell a4
gt;gt; should have the value 4k00. I would be grateful if you could provide this to
gt;gt; me in VBA code.
gt;gt; Thanks
Message posted via www.officekb.com
I think it'll depend on what's in those last 4 characters.
with Range(quot;A1quot;)
.numberformat = quot;@quot; 'make it text
.Value = Right(Range(quot;A4quot;).Text,4)
end with
quot;mohd21uk via OfficeKB.comquot; wrote:
gt; I have tried this function but it still gives me errors. I get the E 15 error.
gt; I am wondering how I can change this,
gt; Bob Phillips wrote:
gt; gt;Range(quot;A1quot;).Value = Right(Range(quot;A4quot;).Value,4)
gt; gt;
gt; gt;gt; I am using a macro to validate a form. I would like cell A1 to equate to the
gt; gt;gt; last four charecters of cell a4. For e.g if cell a1 is 552004k00 cell a4
gt; gt;gt; should have the value 4k00. I would be grateful if you could provide this to
gt; gt;gt; me in VBA code.
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt; Thanks
gt; --
gt; Message posted via www.officekb.com
Dave Peterson
- Apr 13 Sun 2008 20:43
Obtain last four characters from a cell.