Hi Again! Is there a trick to the Averagea function? I'm using it in a
total page with feeds from other pages. Some of the totals display the
#DIV/0 message from my previous thread and because of this the function
is using these numbers as values therefore I am getting the following
The only $$ amount showing is $1,130,244.00 with 11 #DIV/0 messages
following, and the result of my averagea formula is $94,187.00.
Any input is appreciated!--
Chris921's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=32040
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=517887I read the Help for AVERAGEA and found this note:
quot;Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into
numbers cause errors.quot; The #DIV/0 constitutes an error value, so this
may be the culprit. Can you post a sample of your data, showing what
you have and what you expect to get?
You may be able to work around the #DIV/0 if an appropriate IF formula
(If the divisor is zero, return zero or nothing; if the divisor is not
zero, perform the division).AVERAGEA calculates text as 0. If you want to discount text then use the
AVERAGE function.
94187 equals 1130244/12 which is what you would except using the AVERAGEA
function. What result do you want?
I am assuming you used Niek's solution and instead of #DIV/0 you are getting
a blank cell. These blank cells being treated as text.
quot;Chris921quot; wrote:
gt; Hi Again! Is there a trick to the Averagea function? I'm using it in a
gt; total page with feeds from other pages. Some of the totals display the
gt; #DIV/0 message from my previous thread and because of this the function
gt; is using these numbers as values therefore I am getting the following
gt; result:
gt; The only $$ amount showing is $1,130,244.00 with 11 #DIV/0 messages
gt; following, and the result of my averagea formula is $94,187.00.
gt; Any input is appreciated!
gt; --
gt; Chris921
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Chris921's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=32040
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=517887
- Apr 13 Sun 2008 20:43