Robert amp; Dave,
Rec'd your info, thank you, however, I need to sort on three columns at the
each time.
PM (Always)
Number (Always)
then the user can select which sort they would like from the
1.) Date
2.) Status
3.) Client
Is this possible?
I appreciate your expertise and assistance with Excel.
Thank you.
You have a response at the other thread.
Mary wrote:
gt; Robert amp; Dave,
gt; Rec'd your info, thank you, however, I need to sort on three columns at the
gt; each time.
gt; PM (Always)
gt; Number (Always)
gt; then the user can select which sort they would like from the
gt; 1.) Date
gt; 2.) Status
gt; 3.) Client
gt; Is this possible?
gt; I appreciate your expertise and assistance with Excel.
gt; Thank you.
gt; Mary
Dave Peterson
Thank you Dave.
I will check out the other thread. As always, thank you for the assistance
and expertise! I really appreciate it!
Happy Holidays!
quot;Dave Petersonquot; wrote:
gt; You have a response at the other thread.
gt; Mary wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Robert amp; Dave,
gt; gt; Rec'd your info, thank you, however, I need to sort on three columns at the
gt; gt; each time.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; PM (Always)
gt; gt; Number (Always)
gt; gt; then the user can select which sort they would like from the
gt; gt; 1.) Date
gt; gt; 2.) Status
gt; gt; 3.) Client
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Is this possible?
gt; gt; I appreciate your expertise and assistance with Excel.
gt; gt; Thank you.
gt; gt; Mary
gt; --
gt; Dave Peterson
- Apr 13 Sun 2008 20:43
Out of sorts