I have more-or-less random real numbers (i.e. decimals, zeroes and negative
numbers included), in columns. I need to determine the mode for each column.
The catch is that some of the columns have more than one mode (I don't know
which and some columns do have only one mode).
The best I could find on here is the following:
gt;Let A2:A10 house a sample of numeric data...
gt;=MODE(IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH($A$2:$A$10,$C$2:C2,0)),quot;quot; ,$A$2:$A$10))
gt;which must be confirmed with control shift enter then copied down.
However, this formula actually creates a ranked list of numbers in the
column, from most frequent to least. Also, this formula doesn't like zeroes,
which I have in my data (i.e. it tends to put less frequent zeroes somewhere
in the middle of the ranked list (i.e. out of order)).
If I had a similar formula that worked with zeroes, I could use Countif to
determine if multiple modes exist.
Any other ideas as to how to find multiple modes here?
Sorry to bug you yet again.
- Apr 13 Sun 2008 20:43
Multimodal Madness