I need to make up a spreadsheet for travelling. It has to include room rate,
room tax, and total cost of room for each traveller.
You could enter the following headings in Row 1:
Traveler Room Rate Room Tax Days in Room Totals
The following entries in Row 2 (assume interest rate is 12%):
Helen $15 =B2*12% 2 =(B2 C2)* D2
Copy the formulas in column C through E down as many rows as you need.
If you include other travelers in rows 3 and down, you can later sort by
traveler and get subtotals by using Data Subtotals feature.
quot;lilbitquot; wrote:
gt; I need to make up a spreadsheet for travelling. It has to include room rate,
gt; room tax, and total cost of room for each traveller.
lilbit Wrote:
gt; I need to make up a spreadsheet for travelling. It has to include room
gt; rate,
gt; room tax, and total cost of room for each traveller.
In the absence of any other data from you, this is what I can suggest.
ASSUMING that all entries in each column start in Cell 1, you can have
this format:
Column A -- enter the name of the traveller
Column B -- enter the room rate
Column C -- number of days for room reservation
Column D -- enter the tax rate
Column E -- enter this formula,
* =B1*C1*(1 D1)*
and copy down until your range requirements are met. This formula will
give the cost of the room for the traveller entered in Column A.
Hope this is what you need. Regards.--
BenjieLop's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=11019
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=516537
- Apr 13 Sun 2008 20:43
make up s spreadsheet for travel itenary