I want to use the countif function in excel to look at one criteria in one
column and another criteria in another before summing up, can this be done ?
No but you can use SUMPRODUCT,
assume you want to count values in A1: A10 that are greater than 5 and has
the colour red in B1: B10
Peo Sjoblom
Northwest Excel Solutions
(remove ^^ from email address)
Portland, Oregon
quot;blake7quot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I want to use the countif function in excel to look at one criteria in one
gt; column and another criteria in another before summing up, can this be done
gt; ?try to use the following array function:
(array function end with Ctrl Shift Enter)
=COUNT(IF((($A$2:$A$8)=quot;Aquot;)*(($B$2:$B$8)=quot;Aquot;),$C$2 :$C$8))
Best regards,
Yongjun CHEN
XLDataSoft - Data Analysis Expert, Excel/VBA Specialist
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quot;blake7quot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I want to use the countif function in excel to look at one criteria in one
gt; column and another criteria in another before summing up, can this be done
gt; ?
- Apr 13 Sun 2008 20:43
can countif function look at 2 separate columns for criteria