Hello – need help with a formula. I’ve tried searching, looked through

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I have deselected the Task Pane from the Toolbars drop down. Save the
settings in the Book1.xlt and worksheet.xlt files but the Getting Started

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How would I copy amp; paste to a new sheet the format amp; formula but not the data

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I am creating a hyperlink in excel to a web page. (It is an archived article
from a newspaper). It works fine right after I set it up. About an hour

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I can find the average omitting 0 values with an array formula if
numbers are in a contiguous row or column:

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Hi all,

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Hi Group, My problem is I have a custom menubar which is written everytime
the workbook is open with the Workbook open event and deleted when the

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Anybody know how I would extract Excel cells that contain a specific item of

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Can I have the same header/footer on differnt sheets within an Excel
document. I have 10 sheets, and currently when I want to change the footer i

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