I have two non-adjacent cells that I want to average but throw out one
of the numbers if one of them is zero...I used this and it works fine

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I have a spreadsheet with a lot of account numbers. I have autofiltered

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I am relatively new to excel so i am hoping my question is a easy one. I

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I have a large file laid out as follows below.

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I used the Lookup Wizard to create a formula which is
=INDEX('Penalty Table'!$A$7:$F$26, MATCH(1,'Penalty Table'!$A$7:$A$26,),

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I have a long list of data in a notebook.txt file.

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When I open more than one workbook, it opens within the same application
window. I need it to open in different application windows so I can switch

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I have a data in e.g. 10 rows and 20 columns. How do I stack the data so that
I it is one column, such that data in column B is below data in column A,

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Trying to count the number of blank cells between two points. The problem is
the end point can vary.

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