after I have worked on the excel spreadsheet which has 8 columns and approx.
72 lines. Then I go in to print and the page setup is at 15, when I go to

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I am attempting to simplifiy some template files I created for other

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Is there any type of add-in for excel that would track and provide info on
who accesses a spreadsheet that is located in a shared folder? If not is

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I have a formula taking the date a person joined away from today date to give
the number of years works eg 10 and I want to use this value to look up 10 in

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I have a group of four-digit extensions listed in a spreadsheet and I

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I want to be able to print a document such that columns appear to the RIGHT
of the print range and rows appear at the BOTTOM of the print range. Is

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i forgot my protection password and i can't open my workbook anymore.

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I have two spread sheets (Excel 2000) that contain quot;essentiallyquot; the same
amount of data but the filesize on one is 170 KB and it's 1,280 on the other

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What formula would I use to turn a class percentage into a letter grade. If
a student has a 94% for the class how do I get excel to relflect that into an

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B3 contains the month
b4 contains an if/or stmt for the last day of the month

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