A question for those who use JMP from SAS, and Excel.

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In sheet1 a1, I have datavalidation list(named range) consisting of sheet
names of my w/book. Some of the names in that list has spaces (example: John

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I have a series of autoshapes which contain values from various cells.

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I want to take out any rows which contain a cell which says convertible
either by sorting and deleting or by another means.

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I have a PivotTable with Customer, Date grouped by Year and Month. The
table has AutoFormat Report 6 applied. The Date group is set to show items

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How can you calculate the rate of return for a series of payments not
necessarily equal?

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I have a spreadsheet with a list of names.

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I have several excel files (not worksheets within one file) that I want to
combine into one excel file. In other words, I want to combine file1.xls,

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I need to say if Column H cell gt;= 10 and Column I cell is gt;=0.2 then
Highlight Column I yellow.

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If one user open a file, how can I prevent the other user from open the file
for editing. In the past Excel/Word normally display a read-only message when

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