I was asked to use Excel to extrapolate the growth of used capacity for
drive size on a server. Not really knowing too much about statistical

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I need to use a checkmark box that can be toggled on an Excel form but cannot
find it. Could someone please tell me where it's located?

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How can I use Shamsi date in excel?

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I use the split box all the time to separete my sheet. However on my new
sheet the split box is disappeared. How do I display the split box again on

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How can I write a number like $ 12.17 on one column and get that number in
letter like twelve and 17/100 on other column?

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Need to calculate exact length of stay a patient has stayed on a ward by
subtracting date and time of admission from date and time of discharge.

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I want to compare two dates, without the time involved. I see that Datedif
can do this, but I don't have it in my list of functions. Can anyone help me

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I think I am making this more difficult than it is, but I can't sort it out
in my mind. I need a formula that does the following:

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