
I think I am making this more difficult than it is, but I can't sort it out
in my mind. I need a formula that does the following:
Returns quot;ADKquot; if the ref cell contains Dean, dean, Dean's, dean's or returns
quot;DJMquot; if the same ref cell contains Dave, dave, Dave's, dave's, and returns
quot;MWPquot; if there is anything else but Dean or Dave or David in the cell. I'm
thinking that I can use the logic if it finds an e in the 2nd position,
return quot;ADKquot; or if it finds an a in the 2nd position then return quot;DJMquot;. Am I
on the right track with this? It seems like there are too many logigals for
an if/then formula?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! (I am using Excel 2000)

=IF(LOWER(LEFT(A1,4))=quot;deanquot;,quot;ADKquot;,IF(LOWER(LEFT(A 1,4))=quot;davequot;,quot;DJMquot;,quot;MWPquot;))

Kind regards,

Niek Otten

quot;CMIConniequot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I think I am making this more difficult than it is, but I can't sort it out
gt; in my mind. I need a formula that does the following:
gt; Returns quot;ADKquot; if the ref cell contains Dean, dean, Dean's, dean's or
gt; returns
gt; quot;DJMquot; if the same ref cell contains Dave, dave, Dave's, dave's, and
gt; returns
gt; quot;MWPquot; if there is anything else but Dean or Dave or David in the cell.
gt; I'm
gt; thinking that I can use the logic if it finds an e in the 2nd position,
gt; return quot;ADKquot; or if it finds an a in the 2nd position then return quot;DJMquot;.
gt; Am I
gt; on the right track with this? It seems like there are too many logigals
gt; for
gt; an if/then formula?
gt; Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! (I am using Excel 2000)
On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 08:03:27 -0800, CMIConnie wrote:

gt; I think I am making this more difficult than it is, but I can't sort it out
gt; in my mind. I need a formula that does the following:
gt; Returns quot;ADKquot; if the ref cell contains Dean, dean, Dean's, dean's or returns
gt; quot;DJMquot; if the same ref cell contains Dave, dave, Dave's, dave's, and returns
gt; quot;MWPquot; if there is anything else but Dean or Dave or David in the cell. I'm
gt; thinking that I can use the logic if it finds an e in the 2nd position,
gt; return quot;ADKquot; or if it finds an a in the 2nd position then return quot;DJMquot;. Am I
gt; on the right track with this? It seems like there are too many logigals for
gt; an if/then formula?
gt; Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! (I am using Excel 2000)


How about:

=if(ucase(left(A1,4))=quot;DEANquot;,quot;ADKquot;,if(ucase(left(A 1,4))=quot;DAVEquot;,quot;DJMquot;,quot;MWPquot;))


Hi Bill,

You can see I'm lazier than you a I tried to avoid holding the SHIFT key

Kind regards,

Niek Otten

quot;Bill Martinquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 08:03:27 -0800, CMIConnie wrote:
gt;gt; I think I am making this more difficult than it is, but I can't sort it
gt;gt; out
gt;gt; in my mind. I need a formula that does the following:
gt;gt; Returns quot;ADKquot; if the ref cell contains Dean, dean, Dean's, dean's or
gt;gt; returns
gt;gt; quot;DJMquot; if the same ref cell contains Dave, dave, Dave's, dave's, and
gt;gt; returns
gt;gt; quot;MWPquot; if there is anything else but Dean or Dave or David in the cell.
gt;gt; I'm
gt;gt; thinking that I can use the logic if it finds an e in the 2nd position,
gt;gt; return quot;ADKquot; or if it finds an a in the 2nd position then return quot;DJMquot;.
gt;gt; Am I
gt;gt; on the right track with this? It seems like there are too many logigals
gt;gt; for
gt;gt; an if/then formula?
gt;gt; Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! (I am using Excel 2000)
gt; -------------------------
gt; How about:
gt; =if(ucase(left(A1,4))=quot;DEANquot;,quot;ADKquot;,if(ucase(left(A 1,4))=quot;DAVEquot;,quot;DJMquot;,quot;MWPquot;))
gt; Bill
On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 11:14:47 -0500, Bill Martin wrote:

gt; On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 08:03:27 -0800, CMIConnie wrote:
gt;gt; I think I am making this more difficult than it is, but I can't sort it out
gt;gt; in my mind. I need a formula that does the following:
gt;gt; Returns quot;ADKquot; if the ref cell contains Dean, dean, Dean's, dean's or returns
gt;gt; quot;DJMquot; if the same ref cell contains Dave, dave, Dave's, dave's, and returns
gt;gt; quot;MWPquot; if there is anything else but Dean or Dave or David in the cell. I'm
gt;gt; thinking that I can use the logic if it finds an e in the 2nd position,
gt;gt; return quot;ADKquot; or if it finds an a in the 2nd position then return quot;DJMquot;. Am I
gt;gt; on the right track with this? It seems like there are too many logigals for
gt;gt; an if/then formula?
gt;gt; Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! (I am using Excel 2000)
gt; -------------------------
gt; How about:
gt; =if(ucase(left(A1,4))=quot;DEANquot;,quot;ADKquot;,if(ucase(left(A 1,4))=quot;DAVEquot;,quot;DJMquot;,quot;MWPquot;))
gt; Bill


Oops -- for a formula, replace the quot;ucasequot; with quot;upperquot;. I'm confusing
formula words with VBA words. Sorry... (and why are they different


If the cell can contain the specified text anywhere in the cell, like in the
following examples:
Ben dean bean
The Dean's list
hi Dave
to dave and ben
is this David?

Then, try this:
For text in A1
=CHOOSE(SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(A1,{quot;*dean*quot;,quot;*dav*quot;})* {1,2}) 1,quot;MWPquot;,quot;ADKquot;,quot;DJMquot;,quot;Has both!quot;)

Does that help?


XL2002, WinXP-Proquot;CMIConniequot; wrote:

gt; I think I am making this more difficult than it is, but I can't sort it out
gt; in my mind. I need a formula that does the following:
gt; Returns quot;ADKquot; if the ref cell contains Dean, dean, Dean's, dean's or returns
gt; quot;DJMquot; if the same ref cell contains Dave, dave, Dave's, dave's, and returns
gt; quot;MWPquot; if there is anything else but Dean or Dave or David in the cell. I'm
gt; thinking that I can use the logic if it finds an e in the 2nd position,
gt; return quot;ADKquot; or if it finds an a in the 2nd position then return quot;DJMquot;. Am I
gt; on the right track with this? It seems like there are too many logigals for
gt; an if/then formula?
gt; Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! (I am using Excel 2000)

So should quot;Davidquot; return DJM, too (based on quot;anything else but Dean or
Dave or Davidquot;)?

Should quot;Deannaquot; return MWP?

If so, this should work for you:

=IF(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(A1amp;quot; quot;,quot;'squot;,quot;quot;),5)=quot;dean quot;,quot;ADKquot;,
IF(OR(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(A1amp;quot; quot;,quot;'squot;,quot;quot;),5)=quot;dave quot;,A1=quot;Davidquot;),
quot;DJMquot;,quot;JWMquot;))In article gt;,
CMIConnie gt; wrote:

gt; I think I am making this more difficult than it is, but I can't sort it out
gt; in my mind. I need a formula that does the following:
gt; Returns quot;ADKquot; if the ref cell contains Dean, dean, Dean's, dean's or returns
gt; quot;DJMquot; if the same ref cell contains Dave, dave, Dave's, dave's, and returns
gt; quot;MWPquot; if there is anything else but Dean or Dave or David in the cell. I'm
gt; thinking that I can use the logic if it finds an e in the 2nd position,
gt; return quot;ADKquot; or if it finds an a in the 2nd position then return quot;DJMquot;. Am I
gt; on the right track with this? It seems like there are too many logigals for
gt; an if/then formula?
gt; Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! (I am using Excel 2000)

Just a note - the UCASE()'s are unnecessary in this formula since XL's
comparisons are case insensitive.

See my other post for a different answer - the OP's problem statement
seemed rather ambiguous.

In article gt;,
Bill Martin gt; wrote:

gt; How about:
gt; =if(ucase(left(A1,4))=quot;DEANquot;,quot;ADKquot;,if(ucase(left(A 1,4))=quot;DAVEquot;,quot;DJMquot;,quot;MWPquot;))

Thank you for your reply! It steered me in the right direction and saved me
oodles of time!

quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:

gt; =IF(LOWER(LEFT(A1,4))=quot;deanquot;,quot;ADKquot;,IF(LOWER(LEFT(A 1,4))=quot;davequot;,quot;DJMquot;,quot;MWPquot;))
gt; --
gt; Kind regards,
gt; Niek Otten
gt; quot;CMIConniequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt;I think I am making this more difficult than it is, but I can't sort it out
gt; gt; in my mind. I need a formula that does the following:
gt; gt; Returns quot;ADKquot; if the ref cell contains Dean, dean, Dean's, dean's or
gt; gt; returns
gt; gt; quot;DJMquot; if the same ref cell contains Dave, dave, Dave's, dave's, and
gt; gt; returns
gt; gt; quot;MWPquot; if there is anything else but Dean or Dave or David in the cell.
gt; gt; I'm
gt; gt; thinking that I can use the logic if it finds an e in the 2nd position,
gt; gt; return quot;ADKquot; or if it finds an a in the 2nd position then return quot;DJMquot;.
gt; gt; Am I
gt; gt; on the right track with this? It seems like there are too many logigals
gt; gt; for
gt; gt; an if/then formula?
gt; gt; Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! (I am using Excel 2000)

Thank you for your reply! It steered me in the right direction and saved me
oodles of time!

quot;Bill Martinquot; wrote:

gt; On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 08:03:27 -0800, CMIConnie wrote:
gt; gt; I think I am making this more difficult than it is, but I can't sort it out
gt; gt; in my mind. I need a formula that does the following:
gt; gt; Returns quot;ADKquot; if the ref cell contains Dean, dean, Dean's, dean's or returns
gt; gt; quot;DJMquot; if the same ref cell contains Dave, dave, Dave's, dave's, and returns
gt; gt; quot;MWPquot; if there is anything else but Dean or Dave or David in the cell. I'm
gt; gt; thinking that I can use the logic if it finds an e in the 2nd position,
gt; gt; return quot;ADKquot; or if it finds an a in the 2nd position then return quot;DJMquot;. Am I
gt; gt; on the right track with this? It seems like there are too many logigals for
gt; gt; an if/then formula?
gt; gt; Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! (I am using Excel 2000)
gt; -------------------------
gt; How about:
gt; =if(ucase(left(A1,4))=quot;DEANquot;,quot;ADKquot;,if(ucase(left(A 1,4))=quot;DAVEquot;,quot;DJMquot;,quot;MWPquot;))
gt; Bill

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