Can anyone help me, Im trying to create a data sheet, basically I need to
enter a height value, then I need it to look at the value entered for the
height and if its up to 350mm then it must add 35% to a second value, if its
up to 600mm then it must add 40% to a second value and so on and on. Im not
sure if i should be using lookup function or an IF function ? Any pointers
would be appreaciated. Nige
Create a table in say M1:N20 with values of 0, 25%;350,40%; etc. and then
assuming the lookup value is in E1 and the value to be added to is D1, use
=D1*(1 VLOOKUP(E1,M1:N20,2))
Bob Phillips
(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
quot;Big Bad Nigequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Can anyone help me, Im trying to create a data sheet, basically I need to
gt; enter a height value, then I need it to look at the value entered for the
gt; height and if its up to 350mm then it must add 35% to a second value, if
gt; up to 600mm then it must add 40% to a second value and so on and on. Im
gt; sure if i should be using lookup function or an IF function ? Any pointers
gt; would be appreaciated. Nige
Thanks for the speedy reply and spot on advice !! Appreaciated.
quot;Bob Phillipsquot; wrote:
gt; Create a table in say M1:N20 with values of 0, 25%;350,40%; etc. and then
gt; assuming the lookup value is in E1 and the value to be added to is D1, use
gt; =D1*(1 VLOOKUP(E1,M1:N20,2))
gt; --
gt; HTH
gt; Bob Phillips
gt; (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
gt; quot;Big Bad Nigequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; Can anyone help me, Im trying to create a data sheet, basically I need to
gt; gt; enter a height value, then I need it to look at the value entered for the
gt; gt; height and if its up to 350mm then it must add 35% to a second value, if
gt; its
gt; gt; up to 600mm then it must add 40% to a second value and so on and on. Im
gt; not
gt; gt; sure if i should be using lookup function or an IF function ? Any pointers
gt; gt; would be appreaciated. Nige
- Mar 09 Fri 2007 20:36
Excel Help Needed......