I am trying to seperate the demensions from the description and create
another cell for each mesurament. I have 7k items on my list. Which
fromula helps me out?
Thanks.Without seeing an example of the entries in your list, it is difficult to
give you the best approach. That being said, if your items begin with the
dimensions followed by the description, it might work to use Data gt; Text to
columns. You will need to select how the text is divided (Delimited or Fixed
width)--experiment a little to see what works best for your situation.
quot; wrote:
gt; I am trying to seperate the demensions from the description and create
gt; another cell for each mesurament. I have 7k items on my list. Which
gt; fromula helps me out?
gt; Thanks.
Tribal Fio,Bottle,Xl dia9x26quot;h
Wire Sculpture,Ceramic 10x10x52quot;hFrom you example it appears that your item description is of variable length
and, perhaps, might at times exceed the length of another item description
and its dimension. So, here is a possible different approach.
Assuming Column A contains the original item description and dimensions, in
Cell B1 type =LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-15) and Enter, then select your range and type
Ctrl D. The formula means take the length of cell A1, delete the 15 leftmost
characters and show the result. You may need to adjust the 15 up or down to
account for the maximum length of the dimension.
In Cell C1 type =TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(RIGHT(A1,15),CHAR(160),CHAR(32))) , then
Enter, then select your range and type Ctrl D. This formula basically means
take the 15 rightmost characters in Cell A1, and remove any leading spaces.
Again you may need to adjust the 15 up or down to account for the maximum
length of the dimension.
To remove the formulas, select columns B and C, Copy, then Edit gt; Paste
Special gt; Values and click OK.
quot; wrote:
gt; Tribal Fio,Bottle,Xl dia9x26quot;h
gt; Wire Sculpture,Ceramic 10x10x52quot;h
Thank you for your help, this is great.
- Mar 09 Fri 2007 20:36
How can I seperate the demensions from the description?