,I need to set-up a conditional formula in excel , that is able to account
for possible bilateral tolerances, i.e., 0.20/-0.20.
For example: if I want to calculate a Upper Spec. of .20in /- .005 I would
enter a formula to add upper tolerance to the Target spec. (.005 .20)In this
same way, I substract the enetered MIN. tolerance to the target to obtain my
Lower Spec.
However, What if my Spec. calls for a bilateral tol.: 0.00 in. 0.05/-0,05in.
The above formulation will not work.
Any ideas?
Jorge Arvizu.gt; ..What if my Spec. calls for a bilateral tol.: 0.00 in. 0.05/-0,05in.
If I'm reading it right, something like this in say, B1:
=IF(AND(A1gt;=LowerLimit,A1lt;=UpperLimit),quot;OKquot;,quot;Failquot; )
should accomplish the required tolerance check
and return the result as either quot;OKquot; or quot;Failquot;
Replace quot;LowerLimitquot; and quot;UpperLimitquot; in the formula
with the actual numbers, of course
Adapt to suit ..
quot;Jorgequot; wrote:
gt; ,I need to set-up a conditional formula in excel , that is able to account
gt; for possible bilateral tolerances, i.e., 0.20/-0.20.
gt; For example: if I want to calculate a Upper Spec. of .20in /- .005 I would
gt; enter a formula to add upper tolerance to the Target spec. (.005 .20)In this
gt; same way, I substract the enetered MIN. tolerance to the target to obtain my
gt; Lower Spec.
gt; However, What if my Spec. calls for a bilateral tol.: 0.00 in. 0.05/-0,05in.
gt; The above formulation will not work.
gt; Any ideas?
gt; Advise.
gt; Thanks.
gt; Jorge Arvizu.
- Mar 09 Fri 2007 20:36
exel conditional formula,calculate a bilateral tolerance(.2/-.2)?