I have set up an Excel sheet that retrieves data from an Access database that
is stored on the local network. Microsoft Query stores the location of this

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I am using a VLookup function. I need to find an exact match, but when there
is no match, I would like to see a zero, rather than #N/A. Can someone help

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I have opened a excel file that was in the zip by double clicking.

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I am trying to make a chart with two series--one showing turnout in
presidential years and the other in mid-term elections.

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I'm new here, and a bit of an Excel newbie and would like to learn more but

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I am trying to copy a easy function, =SUM(b10-B11), into other cells in the
same column and it will not work. It gives me the correct formula but it

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Can Conditions include operative actions if true or false? such as:

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Can't get worksheet protection to protect formulas in a created list object
(Ctrl L) and still allow for the auto-insert row feature from the blue *

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