Alright guys here it is, this is subject to change, and obviously I'll keep you all posted.

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I Might be able to figure out this mod on my own,but I'll try easy street first on this one...

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Considering a tube change on my Bluesbreaker.

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I think I have it narrowed to two cards. The audiophile 2496 and the emu 0404.

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Anyone had their mitts on one yet? Looks cool as hell for desktop recording. Pod/Bass Pod/Vocal POD all in one with PC interface for tweaking the programs, assignments etc. it also looks to have digital and analog outs. Looks like it is designed for PC recording mostly but I am thinking that is a pretty hot setup to have with a laptop and a portable DAW.

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well I just spent another 1 1/2 hours on Curleys web site. it is loaded with info and very usefull links to manufacturers and custom mods on gear. Everyone do your self a big fat favor and go to his web site and add it to your favorits.

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I replaced the stock bridge pickup (not too bad) with a crome Seth Lover and it doesn't seem to fit the cavity correctly. It doesn't sit exactly parallel to the neck pickup. I used the same mounting ring that came with the guitar. Anyone ever have the same experience with an Epiphone or Gibson?

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Hey all, I have a few duncan questions. One about prices, one about duncans in a production guitar.

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Does anyone have any experience with Ebows?

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