any thoughts?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Jensen MOD speakers...
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Well well well, what have we here?
Apparently its the 2nd EBMM Petrucci model in prototype stages. Looks to be a hardtail with an angled headstock and Les Paul scale!
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Ampeg stompboxes
So I was bored and surfing the web looking for expensive things to lust after and came across the Ampeg Scrambler reissues, an OD and an octaver. A quick trip to Musicians Friend, and I discovered that they are quite pricey. Either way, I am intrigued and was wondering if anyone has any experience with them?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Internet Guitar Myths
Just thought I'd throw out a few things that some consider to be prevailing wisdom but I just don't buy into:
Tone is in the hands (TIITH)I saw Jimi Ray Halen playing through a solid state Crox practice amp and it sounded just like him even though he usually plays though a MarshaBoogner stack.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
DiMarzio HS-2 wiring question.
I've got a Charvel 475xl and I am installing new pickups. Its an H/S/S style guitar with 5 way switch. The Cruiser neck, HS-2 middle and EVO 2 bridge. On the Cruiser pickup package it reads, quot;IMPORTANT NOTE, This pickup is in phase with our full size humbuckers, but not with most single coil pickups, nor with our HS series pickups. To be in phase with this type of pickup, make the Green wire hot, and the Red wire ground.quot; This sounds like I need to actually make the HS-2 out of phase with the Cruiser and the EVO 2. Otherwise the HS-2 will be out of phase with the EVO 2 when these two pickups are selected and in phase when the Cruiser and HS-2 are selected? Am I correct on wiring the Cruiser normal then HS-2 out of phase then EVO 2 normal?
Thank you for the help,
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Genesis Mr. Brownie sound clips
Has anyone ever tried a Genesis Mr. Brownie pickup? There is minimal info out there. I would love to here some sound clips if they exsist. Please post them if they do.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Thunder Tomate Taxi Driver Overdrive
Anyone ever try one of these Thunder Tomate Taxi Driver Overdrives. The sound clips are killer. Link below.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
intonation problem? mustang
Every Japanese mustang I've played in stores sounds kind of out of tune and shrill when I play chords or diads. My 2003 comp reissue does the same thing, I checked the intonation and it seems fine. What's the deal?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Problem with s-1 switching system, Need help.
I just got done wiring in my new pick ups and when i use the second position ( brdge pick up split and paired with the middle single coil) i get the same amount of hum as the center position. From what i can tell everything is hooked up right. The pick ups in question are dimarzios. Now the fourth position on the swicth does fine no hum, not sure what the problem is. This guitar has the fender s-1 switching system. The only pick up conection to this is a wire from the neck single coil and the neck pick up is not the troublegt; Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Does anyone Know?
If SD makes a set of Fender Texas Specal clones?