I noticed that Butch has a variax and I was looking on the line 6 web site
and now im gassing for one

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I saw the band-The Fixx-last night. As some of you might know, there guitar player-Jamie West Orem-has been noted for haveing one of the best spanky clean tones-One thing leads to another-so I went to check out the band to see what he uses for amps
I got there before the show and noticed he had a Fender Deville and a Marshall Jcm 800. He also had a few footpedals and a furman voltage regulator. from what I could see he used a compressor, tube screamer, and a couple others like volumn pedal and 2 others-couldnt see-but it was all very simple.

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I'm thinking about a '59 set for an alder Flying V tuned to D for quot;Death Metalquot;
The tone clips of the '59 sound badass, but I'm concerned about it being hot enough. The guitar has an EMG mid-boost. I've also considered an oversized ceramic for the bridge pickup. Any thoughts?

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Does anyone here have any experience or advice with EL84 power amps? I'm considering one because of the low wattage and because I'd like to have a 4 space rack with a Furman power conditioner, a modified ADA MP-1 preamp, a BBE Sonic Maximizer, and a 1U power amp. I don't have any experience with EL84 tubes. I was also wondering if there are any other power tubes that can fit into EL84 sockets.

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So I've finally narrowed my p90 quest down to a couple of guitars now( PRS SE Soapbar I and II). But I need some advice......

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If anyone is looking for a great sounding 5E3, I've built one. My Two Rock is all the amp I'll probably ever need. So, I'm selling off the rest of the herd one by one.

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Building a Jazzbasstype 34quot; 4 string bass with 2 SD QP Split singlecoil Bassline pu. Want Pbass sound, so neck would be aprox 3,5 frets from bridge ( as Marcus Hoppus signature)
Want more overtones from bridge, so I plan to put the treble part at the same distance from bridge as 1:th fret, mid part will be same as a standard bridge jazzpu position and basspart of pu 1.67 fret from bridge.

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2001 Tahoe Q3 ski/fish 115hp outboard.

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I was wondring if you think that Honduras Mahogany is a good tone wood for a super strat guitar.
that is on a bolt on guitar.

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