I noticed that Butch has a variax and I was looking on the line 6 web site
and now im gassing for one
but I want to know what the people think of them. I also like the fact that now warmoth has replacement parts for them.
I've got 3 of em, well actually 2, I just sold 1. I have a Variax 500 and an acoustic variax.
I've also got the ability to upload and download Variax patches now for Variax Workbench users. So far there are about 100 Variax files which include probable a couple of hundred patches, which since it came out in the last month have been downloaded 1000's of times. Lots of great stuff. And with Workbench you have alternate tunings at your finger tip, by switch the toggle. I was doing a tune where the song was in Std E and the solo was in Open C. Twas as simple as going from position 4 to position 5 and back again. I didn't tell the band and they about crapped when they heard it!
I've played them, but they just didn't impress me. From what I can tell, Butch plays the crap out of them, but I couldn't get along with it. The one I played felt like a Danelectro. Maybe I just got a bad one.
Butch, do you have a POD or other Line 6 amp? If not what are you playing through?
i'm seriously thinking about getting one. The one i played(i think it was a 700) was great fun to play with.
edit: i'll be out shopping rigth now to get me one! This thread got me thinking and i have the money and want a new guitar,so why not
Yes, I have a Line 6 Variax 500 model. That's it in my avatar. It actually is my #1 guitar. Or should I say #1-28 guitar… The thing I found with my Variax is that is a decent Korean-made guitar. It took a lot of setup time, on my part to get it feeling the way I wanted. I also replaced the tuners with Planet Waves Auto-Trimming locking tuners. The stock tuners weren’t very good. But, the sound is where this guy shines. I have yet to find a Tele bridge pickup (no disrespect toward Seymour and crew) that sounds as good as this one. I would like to invest in a Variax 700 at some point. Its quality is much like a PRS’; specifically a Swamp Ash Special, given the ash top…
And yes, my amplification is Line 6 as well. I use a Flextone III Plus amplifier with a Flextone III 1x12 extension cabinet. I was saving for the Vetta II but I had heard of several quality issues with them. The Flextone III has all the same amp and cabinet models as the Vetta II but not near the functionality.
Ok, i went out and now am a proud owner of a Variax 700 in trans Red(it looks great/ok,it wasn't cheap but i was saving for a new high class guitar anyway). I had some time to play around with it and most of the models sound great. Alternate tunings are one practical thing,too. The Hardware is solid(of course i had to get the trem version),the gotoh tuners work well and the trem is stable tho it hasn't got the range of floyd. The Finish is of best Quality and the playability of the neck is great. I haven't run it through my Vetta II upto now but the digital cable and it's possibilities sound interesting. Ok, now i own a Variax too and now i will get back to trying it out further(it takes a lot more time than with a normal guitar).I got it along with the Variax workbench and will have a lot of fun today.
What is the difference in the Variax models? I noticed the cheapest model has the interface with the POD Xt. I seriously can't afford the more expensive models so I'm wondering what the difference would be.
as far as i know the 300 hasn't got all the models the 500 and the 700 have.Of course there's also a difference in woods,hardware,finish,inlays and workmanship. For the exact specs look here:
from : localhost/www.line6.com/variax/specifications.html
Well Hopefully Today Im Going To Try One Out, That Is If The Music Stores Near Me Have One....(gc And Mars Music) If Not Then I Might Just Sell My
Parker And Buy A Variax Off The Net... Chris
Now that you got it, get the Variax Workbench software and you can expand those models any way you can think of!
Is there any way to retrofit the electronics into a guitar with regular pickups? Or maybe retrofit pickups into a Variax?
Originally Posted by rspst14Is there any way to retrofit the electronics into a guitar with regular pickups? Or maybe retrofit pickups into a Variax?
if you made a switch to switch the signal, i'm sure you could. It would probably be easier with actives though?
you'd have to route out pickup slots
I'm pretty sure the 300 has all the same electronics and models, but the build is a bit less exacting. (read: cheaper.)
Originally Posted by rspst14Is there any way to retrofit the electronics into a guitar with regular pickups? Or maybe retrofit pickups into a Variax?
doesn't warmoth do something like that
warmoth must have made the killing of the century here
the problem most people have with the variaxs is the far eastern construction. warmoth let people pimp out the basic electronics of the guitar, and we're back on track
i want the electronics, some warmoth tele parts and the workbench.
Originally Posted by Impwarmoth must have made the killing of the century here
Not by a long shot. Word is that they still haven't recovered the setup costs on their Variax bodies and that's why they decided not to do anything for the V-300.
i guess its a time thing.. whats the odds behringer have got a very similar system designed for retrofitting in the works?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
who here has a variax?