Anyone want to sell me a Mesa Boogie 4x12 oversized cabinet?
Ive got the 4X12 rectifier cab, closed back. How much are you willing to pay?
what is oversized on a recto cab...are they deeper, taller, wider, what is the deal?
Well... I would have to see what condition it is in... I'm willing to pay $450 Samp;H.
damn, i'm willing to pay that also... or trade my 2004 Marshall 4x12 cab which i paid $1,000 for last year!
I am now willing to pay $600 $100 max shipping to PA.
will someone please tell me the dimentions of this quot;oversizedquot; cab?
Originally Posted by the guy who invented firewill someone please tell me the dimentions of this quot;oversizedquot; cab?
Yeah, ya know the dimensions of a quot;standardquot; sized cabinet? Add a few inches all around Sorry
jbfh and the guy: I believe the oversized recto cabs are only the standard recto cabs, and not the traditional.
here are dimensions:
30 3/16quot; x 29 7/8quot; x 14 1/4quot; (bot)
11 1/2quot; (top) 118lbs.
32 7/8quot; x 30 1/4quot; x 14 1/4quot;(bot)
11 1/2quot;(top) 123lbs.
Originally Posted by Nite_Maresz_25jbfh and the guy: I believe the oversized recto cabs are only the standard recto cabs, and not the traditional.
here are dimensions:
30 3/16quot; x 29 7/8quot; x 14 1/4quot; (bot)
11 1/2quot; (top) 118lbs.
32 7/8quot; x 30 1/4quot; x 14 1/4quot;(bot)
11 1/2quot;(top) 123lbs.thanks bro...I'll hold out for a TV Marshall cab...they are 36 inches tall and already have Greenbacks!
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:01
WTB: Mesa 4x12 Recto Oversize Cabinet...