i was jammin with my drummer and a kid i never met before today. and this kid had a fender telecaster. and i started playing around on it.
this guitar was awesome. i dont think i played a tele before but i liked it a heck of alot more than i did with any gibson or strat. i never knew how thick the bodies were! haha
i just love the sound it had... very clear and beautiful. of course the kid put a seymour duncan in the bridge
it was like a humbucker made into a single coil. idk much about single coils. but it was sweeet.
i think he only payed $400 for it. beats the hell out of getting a les paul studio for over a grand.
for all the tele fans out there... u rock. im definently checkin them out.
love it.
I payed $340 for mine (new) and put a Qp in the bridge(true single) for $55.
It sounds like a cross between a les paul and a telecaster.
And it plays far better than my BC Rich warlocks, but i'd expect that with all the fretwork I had em do as warrenty work!
I've got one that I love and one more on the way!!!
I want my Tele.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:01
played a tele today