
Can anyone post a step by step tutorial on swapping HB magnets, including do's and don'ts and caveats? I'm thinking about trying full-strength alnico 2 or alnico 5 magnets in my Antiquity HBs. Will the A2 and A5 magnets from my Gibson 490R/498T pickups work in the Antiquity HBs?
Thanks in advance for your help!

from : localhost//forum/s...ghlight=gently

1) See Post #10 for my little primer on magnet swapping.

2) Any normal sized humbucker magnet will work in any other humbucker, so Gibson magnets will work in Duncan pickups. Chances are pretty good that Duncan and Gibson buy some of their mags from the same manufacturer anyway.

Originally Posted by KelseyCan anyone post a step by step tutorial on swapping HB magnets, including do's and don'ts and caveats? I'm thinking about trying full-strength alnico 2 or alnico 5 magnets in my Antiquity HBs. Will the A2 and A5 magnets from my Gibson 490R/498T pickups work in the Antiquity HBs?
Thanks in advance for your help!Get in touch with Theodie, he is awesome at mag swapping. Great guy, friendly and willing to help.

Thanks for the replies guys. The primer was very helpful.


Sorry for not seing this earlier. But anyway Zangliqun covered it very well.

If you want to have some extra advice (and pictures) check the great tutorial written by our own Forum Brother John Spina (Stratdeluxer97):

from : localhost/luck.


That's a great tutorial as well. After reading all of this, I'm not sure whether I'll try a replacement magnet or a pickup exchange. Either way this info is very useful, and I hope this thread will be helpful to others, too.

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