Hey guys,i know i've asked my fair share of questions already but here's another one for ya.
So i was switching my pickups and then i found one of these;
mini-toggle switches and i figured i might as well put in a killswitch while my guitar is all opened up already.I know where to put it and everything the only thing i need help with is that there are 6 lugs on the bottem so which one's do i attach what too?
Thanks a lot for your help guys.
Ask as many questions as you want!
I am actually very interested in this myself, im considering a killswitch for my next guitar.
Cheeers,man. .
So,anyone got any ideas?
What do you want the switch to do?
Originally Posted by ratherdashingWhat do you want the switch to do?
It's a killswitch.When you toggle it you turn the guitar on and off.It is placed on the wire coming from the volume pot to the output cable.I just need to know what to attach to what lugs.I was gonna just experiment but i don't want to cut that cable untill i know what i'm doing.
This is the way a 3-way works. Your switch is identical, except that it only uses Fig 1 amp; 3. Take the center to the output jack quot;hotquot;, and the terminal above, or below it to ground. Then just orient the switch however you want the handle to go.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:01
Quick killswitch question?