Hello everybody!!
I have a washburn SB80 and i bought a hot rodded humbucker set (JB bridge Jazz neck) to replace the stock washburn ones and I need your help on how to wire them so to be able to split them by using a push pull tone pot. The guitar has standard les paul controls (one volume tone control for each humbucker and a 3 way switch). So far i have managed to make them work normally as shown in the folowing picture and now want to make the appropriate wirings to be able to split them.
The hot (black wire) from the pickup goes to the right tip of the volume which is also connected with the middle tip (output) of the push pull tone pot. On the left tip of tone pot is connected a capacitor (with the other end soldered to pot for ground) [on seymour schematics i saw the capacitor to be in between the connection of volume and tone pot? is it better to use it that way? or it is fine the way is currently connected?]. The Green wire with bare from pickup are soldered to ground and the white and red are soldered together (at the momment are insulated with tape). From the middle tip of the volume pot leaves a wire to the switch.
I want to wire the pickup to be full when the the tone pot is pushed in and to be split when i pull it out. Where should i connect the white and red cables? I tried to follow the seymour schematic the way its has the split switch connected but so far no success! I think i managed to split them once but it was split when the pot was pushed in which is not convinient at all (to me anyway... ) !
Thanks in advance for the help!!
Maybe these schematics will helpHumbucker Wiring Mods at Guitar Electronics
Connect it like SD shows in their schematics, but connect the ground to the top lug of the push/pull instead of the bottom. That is, red/white to the center lug, ground, or green, to the lug right above. That will give you split when pulled.
Thank you all for your answers!!
So is it so simple? i think i tried to make such wiring connection, but at the time for some reason it didn't work, but then again its was very late in the evening or let say too early in the morning , so 99% there must have been an error from my side! I will try it again!!
About the capacitor? should i leave it like that, or to run it between the volume - tone connection, as shown in seymour duncan's schematics?
Thanks again for the answers!!
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:01
Help! How to wire pickups to be split?