
i ordered a strat wiring kit from stew mac
1 - Output jack
3 - 250K pots
1 - .050µF capacitor
1 - 5-way lever switch with white and black knobs
12quot; Non-shielded guitar circuit wire, 22AWG, white
12quot; Non-shielded guitar circuit wire, 22AWG, black
12quot; Shielded guitar circuit wire, 28AWG inner conductor, black
Wiring diagram

i hooked everything up the way the diagram said, and it sounded like crap. buzzin' and everything else. so i took everything apart and went with seymour duncans diagram, something aint right.....
the original switch was a cor-tek, it had eight spots in a row
the new switch has four on each side, the diagram said it didnt matter what side the spring was on, it is the same electronically.
pots are pots, right? it doesnt matter where i use them, am i wrong? this is driving me nuts i have stripped out some of the holes on the body because i have had to take everything apart like 7 times now, i have tried a lot of different combinations for the wiring of the switch and pots. i am going crazy here... usually i can figure this stuff out. does it matter what tone pot i put the capacitor on?
why is stew macs diagram way different than seymours, its also different from the guitar electronics book that i have.
i had 500 k pots on before and a cheap switch. i would throw them back on in a second, but i cant remember how the switch was wired.....
someone please help.

go to your local parts shop, or and buy yourself a switchcraft switch. That's what the diagram is used for. In fact, I'd recomend throwing out the switch and the pots, and just using the wire. Buy you some new pots too. It'll run you about 20 bucks for it all, but they should be of better quality. Then wire it up the way it is on the SD print.

Hey man, I might not be much help. I cant hardly understand what you wrote. If it's pissing you off that much, just buy a prewired pickguard.

Stewmac's hardware really whent down hill over the years. I don't buy
anything from them that isn't name brand. I hate those's all in line switches.
Do what beandip said... get a switchcraft or fender brand 5 way. It's only
a few dollars more but 10 Times better. The pots they sold you are also not
the best. For $4 you can get a CTS pot.

Originally Posted by beandipHey man, I might not be much help. I cant hardly understand what you wrote. If it's pissing you off that much, just buy a prewired pickguard.

you are not what im screaming about... im sorry that you cant understand.

alright man, it's cool.

I figured out awhile ago how to wire those inline switches. I would still say, but the Fender stuff. It's made by CTS and Switchcraft. The stuff cant be beat. Then follow exactly how it is on the SD schematic. And if all else fails, you can always buy a prewired pickguard, loose a few bucks, but have a playable guitar while figured out just what in the hell went wrong.

i should be in bed right now... but, i cant sleep because my guitar is out of order. so sad. anyhow, i think i may have figured this switch out, ill let ya know in about an hour. im going to redo everything.. .... again. i had no idea that stew mac sold cheap stuff. im taking this as a lesson.

If that switch is the kind I think it is, its layed out like this:I'll try to help with the rest when I can, but I'm a little backed-up right now. Soon though.

Bout time you showed up Artie. I hate it when you need a wiring expert and he's out having a life.

Originally Posted by ArtieTooIf that switch is the kind I think it is, its layed out like this:I'll try to help with the rest when I can, but I'm a little backed-up right now. Soon though.

thanks! hey, that was the old switch i had in her already... and the problem.... was the new switch! from : localhost/ at least shes singin again... (grin) i should go to bed now, i have to be at work in 2.5 hours

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