
I LOVE the sound of the Seths in my '96 Standard.

I LIKE the sound of the Alnico II Pros in my '91 Classic, but the Seths just have that little extra magic. I've been thinking about getting another set of Seths for the Classic, but then I've never tried Antiquities.

Who has played both Seths and Antiquities? Given that I love Seths (for classic rock and blues), am I gonna like Antiquities too?

Any thoughts?

I'm familiar with the review BTW.

I want to know as well Simon, as I have finally decided that the BB's in my R7 have to go. I'm also considering a custom shop pup for the bridge. Jeremy said that a 10k Antiquity was the best vintage sounding humbucker he had ever heard. I'll start a seperate thread on that subject.

Well, if I could get Youngpup to install the Seth's in his Elektra LP we could a/b them with my CS Antiquity. That said, I absoulutely LOVE the tones that I get from my Ant. Evenly voiced, good bottom end without being boomy, solid mids, and warm creamy highs. Sounds great clean or under gain. Wish that I had something to record with to give you a better idea what I am trying to get across. PLEASE someone who is more articulate than I am talk about the Ant's.........

if you like a Seth you will LOVE an Ant...the quot;magicquot; that the Seth has, the Ant has 10 fold!

For my tastes an antiquity neck hb is the best PAF clone there is (comparing it to rolphs, timbuckers, voodoos, and many other duncans). Again for my tastes I love either an a5 or an a4 (depending on the particular to be used in) in a bridge antiquity that reads ~8.70K.

For a brief time period (like a month) I owned both seths and ants. Then I sold the seths. Not because I did not like them. I got a good opportunity to swap them for voodoo 59's which turned out not the right thing to do. The only problem I have with seths (and a very cool for ants) is that their DC is generally quite low, making them very clear. Don't get me wrong clarity is cool, but I like the clarity from ants, a little rounder (dun-aged magnet higher dc values). I wish I had a set of seths not only in order to enjoy them but also to give you better information about the differences.

Good luck.


Don't antiquity's have an alnico II magnet?

Originally Posted by Simon_FI LOVE the sound of the Seths in my '96 Standard.

I LIKE the sound of the Alnico II Pros in my '91 Classic, but the Seths just have that little extra magic. I've been thinking about getting another set of Seths for the Classic, but then I've never tried Antiquities.

Who has played both Seths and Antiquities? Given that I love Seths (for classic rock and blues), am I gonna like Antiquities too?

Any thoughts?

I'm familiar with the review BTW.


As an avid Seth amp; Ant user, I can tell you that you would absolutely love Antiquities. The Ant doesn't have the initial punch or bite that the Seth does, but is very articulate and very warm depending on how you hit each note. Both are warm, but the Seth has a bit more mid-range quot;honkquot;.Hope that helps,


I have samples of both on the Tone Ninja website. Somewhere under forum samples of something.

Interesting......... I need some new buckers. Alnico II, or alnico V......

Originally Posted by darkshadow54321Don't antiquity's have an alnico II magnet?

Yup. Seths, Ants and A2Ps all have A2 magnets. It's just that I prefer Seths over A2Ps and I'm wondering how I'd get on with Ants instead of A2Ps.

When are you going to be in England BTW? I have something that belongs to you.

Simon....what I hear with the Seth as opposed to the APH (especially in the neck) is a difference in clarity. The Seth has that midrange quot;honkquot; which is cool in the right guitar. It was much better in my Hardtail than in my 03' Standard. It just didin't have quite enough clarity for me. Closer to a PG in terms of overall sound than I liked, in that guitar.

It's that airy quality that makes it sound not as smooth....but cool at the same time. I'm hoping the Antiquity has just a little smoother sound in the neck.

Originally Posted by Simon_FIt's just that I prefer Seths over A2Ps

I have come to that conclusion for myself also The a2pro bridge is very cool but I think the Seth Lover bridge is still my favorite in my Les Paul. The Seth Lover has less trebly highs and more honk in the midrange.. love that honk

The antiquity neck sounds pretty interesting.. actually, very interesting

If you want some badass pickups, spend the extra dough and get those engraved 50th Ann Seth AII's before they're all gone. Those suckers are never coming out of my LP Std. Prem Plus. Besides being a tonemonster, that guitar is even more special since I got Seymour's signature on the case! His best pickups and his signature! yes!

The Custom Shop Seths sound a bit tighter and clearer than either the Seths or Ants.
Mine are 8.52/7.48

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