
Well, that is the question. I have a strat, but not a tele. Anyone who knows the differences in sound or playability, let me know. Why do most of the country players play teles when (it seems to me) strats can get a great single coil sound?


Originally Posted by jmcoreyWell, that is the question. I have a strat, but not a tele. Anyone who knows the differences in sound or playability, let me know.

They are two totally different animals; both in sound and feel. I'll let others chime in on this one...
Originally Posted by jmcoreyWhy do most of the country players play teles when (it seems to me) strats can get a great single coil sound?


Yes, Strats have a decent single coil sound. But, for Country, the bridge pickup is where it's at; and a Strat, unless it's using a Twang Banger in the bridge position, can't hope to compete with a Tele's bridge pickup...

you can do a search on this forum...Strat VS Tele has been discussed quite a bit and ther is a tone of info here on the subject.

For one the necks feel very different IMHO. I like the feel of a strat neck second to Gibsons, but on a tele my hand just dosen't feel like it fits. THey both sound great very different IMO strats are better for blues and teles are better for country or metal.

Just my 2 cent

from : localhost//forum/s...r single coils

from : localhost//forum/s...lecaster strat

from : localhost//forum/s...caster tribute

These are links to some threads that discussed Tele and Strats some cool info in these threads.

Check 'em out.

There is nothing like the sound of a Tele. After I bought my Tele, I hardly touched my Strat. Its a great sound. I never liked the neck pickup though, Strat neck pickups beat the heck out of Tele neck pickups IMHO. My favorite single coil sound is a neck Strat pickup and a Tele bridge. Wonderful! I never use the tremelo on a Strat so I never missed that either.

Originally Posted by gripweedThere is nothing like the sound of a Tele. After I bought my Tele, I hardly touched my Strat. Its a great sound. I never liked the neck pickup though, Strat neck pickups beat the heck out of Tele neck pickups IMHO. My favorite single coil sound is a neck Strat pickup and a Tele bridge. Wonderful! I never use the tremelo on a Strat so I never missed that either.

Does the Tele neck and bridge have a quack when selected together?

I think everyone pretty much nailed it.

FWIW, when it's set up right, I actually prefer the neck of a tele to that of a strat. I'm not much of a single coil fan either way, but I prefer the extra twang from the tele. They both need the stock pups replaced, though, so I guess you could get a twang banger for your strat and be ready to go.

Originally Posted by JacksonMIAI think everyone pretty much nailed it.

FWIW, when it's set up right, I actually prefer the neck of a tele to that of a strat. I'm not much of a single coil fan either way, but I prefer the extra twang from the tele. They both need the stock pups replaced, though, so I guess you could get a twang banger for your strat and be ready to go.

should all standard strats or tele's pickups be replaced as soon as possible?
I really like the american stock pickups on them so does it make a huge difference,I'm fond of the classic strat sound and I wonder if replacing the stock ones will make it better or worse?

Originally Posted by CsaRvoXshould all standard strats or tele's pickups be replaced as soon as possible?
I really like the american stock pickups on them so does it make a huge difference,I'm fond of the classic strat sound and I wonder if replacing the stock ones will make it better or worse?

If you like 'em, then just keep on liking them and stay away from the pickup lounge. If you hang around in there you will want to change. Not because you have to but be cause you'll want to change them...just to see if it does make a difference. You'll want to change because you see options, lots of options!

You'll begin to wonder...what about this one...what about those pups?

Don't look at the tone charts and stay away from the pickup lounge and everything will be okay

Tele's have a deeper more solid sound, while a standart trem strat has a somewhat more reverbish sound, more steely as well.
They both twang great, just differently due to the different bridges.
One is not better than the other, it is only the player that sets the limit.
I love both types of guitars, Telecasters makes me play more rhythm stuff, Strats makes me wanna space out
Both are great leadguitars, both has plenty of examples to draw from.
On Tele's you can make all those sneaky bends with out worrying about your trem, and attach funny bender hardware
I like both types as standart as possible, they are marvelous platforms.

Originally Posted by Guitar ToadDoes the Tele neck and bridge have a quack when selected together?

No. It sounds like a Tele even when you've got a Strat pickup in there. But the Tele neck pickups are muddy and lifeless IMHO. Thats why I go for the Strat pickup in the neck. The Strat neck pickup does give an interesting tone when they are used together. If you've got a guitar shop nearby, go there and check out a Tele. You'll never be the same .

BTW, its true what you say about staying away from the pickup lounge!

That really depends on what kind of a Tele it is and what pickups it was born with.
They are far from equal.

actually antiquity tele neck sounds great in 52RI tele

strat good
tele bad


Originally Posted by CsaRvoXshould all standard strats or tele's pickups be replaced as soon as possible?
I really like the american stock pickups on them so does it make a huge difference,I'm fond of the classic strat sound and I wonder if replacing the stock ones will make it better or worse?

Personally, my biggest problem is with the single coils. I'm just not a fan of single coils. But if you like the tone it has right now, Gear Toad is right. Keep what you've got. Though I will say that most people that swap them out are happy with the change.

To me, tele's just have more a more ballsy sound in the bridge. In the neck, it's warmer than a strat. More power in the bridge, and more warm and mellow in the neck. I like both, and I own a tele, and I'm finishing up a strat build project.

Should have known that Butch would be in early! Thanks all.

Tele's String thru bridge systems seem to really help the tone!!!! I made a homemade strat but didn't cut the forearm and tummy cuts as i wanted it to feel thick nad a slab of wood like a tele..... but look like a strat. i used a Hardtail Bridge as well....

I'm not a huge fan of single coils either, just because of the noise. I'm a humbucking fan that loves the sound of Single coils. The Bass E and a strings on stock Strats and Teles sound so much better then any humbucker guitar... The E strings with single coils go Bong and with humbuckers they go thumb...... More mud. But i love humbuckers so i use them anyways. The sad part of adding full size humbuckers to teles with a replacement bridge is you can't move the Bridge Humbucker postion..... The Tele Bridges with humbuckers slots have the pickup really close to the bridge and that makes the sound much more brighter. Depends on the tone you are going for but i prefer the bridge humbuckers farther away like you can find on the new American Standard strats with Humbuckers.

But a stock tele is on my shopping list..... i have been looking at those Mex- Nashville Teles


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