
Hey guys I was looking up information on the vox Valvetronix amps and they look pretty good. I'm starting to think this would be a better option for my roommate than getting a podxt run on crappy computer speakers. Which do you guys think would be better for him? His not going to get a power amp for it so he'll not get any of the tube tones. I think the Valvetronix would be better as it has a speaker and it has a tube in it, 12ax7 so that would be easy to maint ain on your own without a tech. I know a few guys on the forum have these amps. Do you guys get the power amp overdriven tone when you crank it and how loud will it be once you reach that point? I'm thinking the 15watt one should be sufficient enough for him.

Everyone is probably SICK of me already and all my posts about this amp, LOL!

How much is he looking to spend? According to the Vox rep that I emailed, the lower quality Valvetronix models (silver metal grills) have the exact same quality models as the higher shelf models (blue cloth grills) but the cabinet is pressed crap instead of wood and the speaker is not as good. Trust me, that 15 watts is LOUD. You're not going to jam with a band at 15 watts but for bedroom levels, it's very loud. I've also noticed that the louder you play, the more quot;tubeyquot; it sounds. Of course, I'm 42 years old and my hearing may be shot (what??? what???) but that's what it seems like to me. A lot of people don't like the Marshall models. I think the JTM-45 is great (UK blues). Don't know if it sounds like the real deal, but I like the sound. The Fenders are killer, especially the Bassman (tweed 4x10).

Make sure you change the tube as well. Of course, that's only my opinion but when I used some NOS Mullard tubes and some over the counter Ruby and Groove Tubes the sound got way better. I have the AD60VTX but the AD50VT sounded really good to me as well and it has the wattage control. You can go from 1 watt to 50. I don't know if the AD30VT has that. The silver grill models also have less amp models and I think less effects as well. You also can't save too many patches.

IMHO, the Valvetronix would be the better way to go if he's not going to do heavy recording. If he's only using crappy speakers then you're not going to hear the pod at its best and it is more expesive than the AD15VT. The POD has lots more stuff in it but hell, the Valvetronix is an amp, and amps are COOL! I had a POD xt by the way, and it was great, but I like to mike a quot;realquot; amp instead of running direct. I'm a little more old school, but I think in the end it sounds a bit better that way just to me. The mere mortal who doesn't play won't know but we do.

If he does go the way of the Vox, and if he changed the tube, remember this: take the rubber ring off and either use a spark plug puller or wrap some packing tape around the top of the tube and gently rock it back and forth while pulling it out. You'll see why if he gets the amp, LOLOLOL!

...Another vote for the Valvetronix amp. The amp will sound much better than a pod thru computer speakers. I have the AD15VT and that little babay ROCKS! Its powerful enough to rattle the windows. The amp modelling and effect sounds are pretty good too.

Plus picture this--got a coupla people in the room, beer or whatever is flowing, your roommate pulls out the Vox. One or two guys snicker. What's this little thing. Your roommate smiles, turns it on and RIPS THEIR HEADS OFF WITH TONE!!!! The chicks in the room rip off their clothes-----SCORE!

Now try to do THAT with a Pod through computer speakers.

It could happen.

I just got a AD30VT this week and I'm loving it. Not only a great practice amp, but mic'd up it could be used for actual gigs. I don't think the AD15VT has the power level to lower the watts, but the AD30VT does. Honestly, I bought this amp as a cheap little practice amp and I'm more than pleased with it.

Originally Posted by 75lespaulPlus picture this--got a coupla people in the room, beer or whatever is flowing, your roommate pulls out the Vox. One or two guys snicker. What's this little thing. Your roommate smiles, turns it on and RIPS THEIR HEADS OFF WITH TONE!!!! The chicks in the room rip off their clothes-----SCORE!

Now try to do THAT with a Pod through computer speakers.

It could happen.LOL! This same thing happened to me just the other day!

Yes, an actual amp will be far more impressive than plugging into your computer and cranking those computer speakers. I'll bet the louder you try to crank those computer speakers, the crappier your sound will be. Crank a 15 or 30 watt valvetronix and you will blow everyone away. The harder you push that amp, the better its sounds.... It even says to crank it up in the owners manual!

The main thing his saying is that he doesn't have room for the amp in his room back home.

He doesn't have room for the AD15VT? Then I guess it's the POD.

Did he really say he doesn't have room for this amp? It's only 15 inches high and 16 inches wide. Hell, I would have put the thing in bed with me to make room when I was in my teens and early twenties. I get one more amp, and I literally will have to do that LOL.

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