what do you think of it?
what bridge are you using it with?
I have had one in my Washburn LP for a few months. I replaced a jazz neck with it. It is similar to that, but more treble. I wasn't a fan of it at first, but it turns out it was my amp(took the back off). Its very clear, and is best with more than 60% gain on my marshall. I think its like a Jazz but even clearer.
I have a CC in the bridge with it. I have to play with the settings for a few minutes to get something that both the pickups sound good with.
Its staying for sure.
Great pup for shredding leads and for downtuning. I pair it with a dime in the bridge and mainly use it for Deat/black metal but it slays at playing solos.
I had one paired with a Distortion in the bridge. I ended up replacing it with a Jazz. Both pickups are extremely clear and articulate and sound great split. I would say that the Full Shred is like a hotter Jazz. I think they're both a little bright for my taste. But if you like clear and articulate, I don't think you could go wrong with either one.
Does it sound almost like a bridge pickup when you solo in the neck?
Originally Posted by Metalman_666Does it sound almost like a bridge pickup when you solo in the neck?Hmmm no not really, but it is trebly for the neck. I could record some basic things, but my cheap stuff probably can't record it well.
thanks for the input. I was going to try it out with a C5 bridge in my McCarty. I really like the C5 bridge but cant find a neck pickup i really like.
I use the FS in my Jackson, with a JB in the bridge. Those guys are pretty much right, it sounds a little bright in most amps, and there isnt much of a hint of bass when playing leads under distortion. I absolutely love it clean though. It also sounds excellent split because of its low bass and high treble/mids.
Anyone have any clips of it clean in the neck?? I love brighter neck pickups....they give more chimey cleans IMO.
Here I just made, hopefully the link works. Second time around the song is the neck split. It is from Opeth's first album. Excuse gear and ability!
from : localhost/www.sean.snibor.net/mp3/FSnclean.mp3
Originally Posted by TolHere I just made, hopefully the link works. Second time around the song is the neck split. It is from Opeth's first album. Excuse gear and ability!
from : localhost/ Sounds like it does cleans fairly well.
Sounds just as good clean as the jazz sounds.. (to me) Anyone know how the FSb cleans up?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:01
anyone use a fullshred neck?