
I found a guy here in Norway who builds teles and strats with parts from Fender. He will make a tele for the same price as an American Standard would cost. All the hardware are Fender as well. But I also got another guy who builds the same guitar with parts from Warmoth for a slightly higher price. Both guitars got SD Antiquity's, and the finish is very good as well.

They are both out of my area so I don't have a chance to try them.

I would really like to have one of them build me a guitar, instead of buying a standard tele, and then buy new pick-up's.

How do Warmoth parts compare to Fender?

In my experience, the wood from Warmoth is higher quality than what Fender uses, but Warmoth has all these hidden costs for stuff like fretboard radiuses. If the guy is willing to build it to your EXACT specs for a set price, go with Warmoth.

Warmoth parts are much higher quality than Fender, and have tighter quality tolerances.

I'd save up a bit more and do Warmoth, for sure. For strats and teles, it'll be hard for me to go with Fender anymore since I built a strat for myself.

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