
so i've heard this pickup sounds pretty good distorted in the neck, how bout the clean sound on it? i've heard the sample on this site but what are some of your guys views on it and how do you think it would sound in my guitar?.. i play on an aldur body jackson KE3 and plan on getting a dimebucker/distortion set soon.

It depends on the amp and its settings, but in general, if you've got your rig set up to sound good with the bridge pickup (in my case, a Custom) when you switch to the DD in the neck on clean settings, it tends to sound too dark and muddy. Tweak the EQ a bit, though, and it can sound really nice. And it pairs well with the custom for clean stuff. You can hear the DD DC clean (with chorus) combo in the song at the top of the list on the site in my sig. The solo may have even been the DD by itself; I can't recall.

well yeah, on my amp i have different channels so i can have completely different settings on the clean channel than i do for the distroted channel, so im supposing i can adjust my amp to have a good enough setting to make the clean on the DD sound good then?

if you dont know what im talking about i probably misunderstood your question

I didn't ask a question.

I understand what you're talking about, but it's not what I was talking about. I'm saying that yes, the DDn can sound nice clean, but usually it takes very different amp setting than what would make my bridge pickup (a Custom) sound good clean. I'm not talking about the difference between settings for clean and dirty.

For me, settings that sound good for one pickup rarely sound good for the other. If you've only got two channels/presets on your amp, that might be something to consider. For me, it's not a problem.Originally Posted by IcedEarth112if you dont know what im talking about i probably misunderstood your question
no i got 4 channels, and thanks for clearing that up i understand what you mean now...

anyone else have any input on how they think this pickup is when clean in the neck?

split it. heaven


Originally Posted by danglybangersplit it. heaven


anyone got any sound samples of it split?

Originally Posted by IcedEarth112anyone got any sound samples of it split?

fraid not... I'm gassing for some recording equipment. A split DD sounds a whole lot like a strat, maybe a bit more agressive and hotter.


what exactly does it mean to split a pickup? and is it hard or what?

Not really. You just take a big flathead screwdriver, wedge it between the two coils and whack it with a hammer until it, well....splits....

Seriously though, it sounds like you need to get some practice in soldering and studying basic passive guitar electronics before you attempt this on your own. It's really not difficult, but it does require some basic knowledge.

yeah im not planning on putting my pickups in myself, im getting someone else too, and before i do something like that i'd read up on it

Originally Posted by IcedEarth112anyone got any sound samples of it split?

I'm not much of a git-picker, but here's one:

from : localhost//forum/

damn that sucks F***in nice.... how does a split DD sound when its distorted? and would that sound alright in my Jackson KE3?

can i get some of your guys' advice on whether i should split the pick up or not and what you guys think sounds better, split or not split?

You wouldn't get it permanently split, you'd probably get a push/pull or push/push pot.

ahh i see... i have no idea what they are but i have a good feeling of what they do... can someone show me a picture of a guitar with one on it or something though?

and whats the difference between the push/push and push/pull

Originally Posted by IcedEarth112ahh i see... i have no idea what they are but i have a good feeling of what they do... can someone show me a picture of a guitar with one on it or something though?

and whats the difference between the push/push and push/pull

you shouldn't be able to tell without looking at the wiring...


bah im confused i think i'll just keep it a regular humbucker

Originally Posted by IcedEarth112bah im confused i think i'll just keep it a regular humbucker

alright... you don't do anything physical to the humbucker. And I REALLY recommend split humbuckers. Just tell your tech you want it split, with a push/pull pot, switch, or whatever.

It basically activates only one coil. So you can switch between single coil and humbucker

oh.. so will i be able to switch the split humbucker from full humbucker to a single coil type thing by just flicking the switch one more knotch?

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