Hello All.
Here is a cover me and a friend made of Cold Gin.
I am an amatuer still, only really been playing guitar since Nov. '04, so don't be to mean
I am playing the stuff mostly in Center, and what is slightly faded right and lowered in the mix. I also play the little lead runs.
I am using:
- Pod XTL - Soldano Model
- Agile 2800 with neck pickup for center parts
- Agile 2800 with bridge pickup for right and lead.
Jason was using:
Basically, I am doing vocals, bass, and the rhythm guitar that is panned hard left.
The drums, are midi of course.
As usual for me, everything was done on my POD XT Live (A Soldano Model) and my SWR Workingman's 2x10C bass amp. The guitars I used were my '04 Agile AL-2800DLX and my '03 Fender Jazz Bass (with the S1 switch engaged.)Have A Sip Of Cold GinYes that is me on the left, no I am not proud hahahahaha
That guitar Jason is holding was my EC Strat that I have since sold...
I liked it. Cold Gin is probably my favorite Kiss song. Everything sounded pretty much dead on.
Too cool...
Very well done! Man, you are PATIENT to create all the track with midi drums... I always loose patience with drum tracks.
Nice! I love that song. You really captured the feel of it.
Did you have to program that entire drum track yourself? (Pardon my ignorance, I've never used MIDI drums). If so, how long did it take?
i recorded a cover of cold gin too. mines not as faithful to the original though, its more metal. yours definately has the more old school vibe, i dig it
thanks a lot guys!
actually jason did the drums, he got a file somewhere, i think you can actually use guitar pro and single out the drums, i guess i should ask him where they came from
anyway thanks, it was a lot of fun, we were kinda going for the Alive era version of the song!
Sounded great...The vocals are great and the tones and overall vibe is all about the 70s....Nice job!
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:01
Aaron Cover's Cold Gin.