First off, I really like the tone of my amp....
....but today, I took the casters off my cab and set it down on the floor. I was expecting an improvement as it'd be fixed to the floor, but I'm really not too fond of the change it made. It seems to have emphasized the bass a little bit more, and has thrown off the balance between the bass and the mids. As of yet I'm undecided as to whether I should just re-EQ the amp, or if I should put the casters back on...........but before I do that, I was just wondering if there was anyone else who prefers the tone of their cab when it's on it's casters?
I do...I always hear that amps sound better when placed on the floor because of the increased bass response, but I just find it to sound too boomy for my tastes. That's why you see live bands turn their cabinets on their sides.
I also prefer my cab with it´s casters, because it´s already bottom-heavy enough
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:01