
Wondering what specific thing this wire they sell for guitars is for? Im asking here because it's a PU sit. heres the link just scroll down by the copper they sell: from : localhost/IS WHAT IT'S CALLED: 22 AWG Silver-Plated Copper Stranded Inner Electronics Guitar Wire With Silver-Plated Copper Braid Shield

is it worth geting?

this is a pickup winding wire. pickups are wounded with different gauges of wire depending on the tone you're after.

No, I think it's wire to do the electronics in your control cavity (between pots, switches and grounds.)
Pickup winding wire is 42 or 43 gauge.

^ you're right...whoops... I need some sleep man...

Originally Posted by fatigueofheartthis is a pickup winding wire. ...

You´re joking, right? This is what it looks like...It´s shielded hookup wire, nothing more, nothing less. Essentially the same as 2 conductor humbucker wire, but with an extra plastic insulation.

i wonder what happens if you do wind with that thing...hehe...

It looks like a coaxial. This would normally be used for telecommunications; it's like a miniature version of r/f aerial wire. You could use it, but I think it might be rather stiff to use for internal wiring. I prefer the Belden wire used by EMG with the PTFE insulation, or a simple single core lapped screen wire.

It does... but the stranded construction of the inner conductor would make it impractical for R/F applications, becasue there the (solid) middle conductor is often pushed directly into the pluk and used as the male pin....

It actually looks quite similar to the EMG wire, thouch the silver content would theoretically make it better.

On teh other hand, most of us do fine with simple 20 awg single conductor wire for internal hookups... why complicate things unless you´ve got an ultra noise-sensitive environment and shielding every little shunt is you´r obly way out (I´n which case I recommend you simply move farther away from Chernobyl or the Bikini Atoll )

Originally Posted by unleashthejayWondering what specific thing this wire they sell for guitars is for? Im asking here because it's a PU sit. heres the link just scroll down by the copper they sell: from : localhost/IS WHAT IT'S CALLED: 22 AWG Silver-Plated Copper Stranded Inner Electronics Guitar Wire With Silver-Plated Copper Braid Shield

is it worth geting?

In all honesty, every bit of wire in your guitar and amp is not made of silver plated copper wire or a silver plated copper braid shield. Even if the silver plated copper wire conducts electricity THAT much better, if you think about it in terms of plumbing pipes, you've got a 1quot; pipe all around, and then in the middle you stick a section of 2quot; pipe, the most you're going to get out of it is still going to be as much as a 1quot; pipe can carry.

Copper actually conducts much better than silver, so I would honestly stick to all Cu wiring (having a silver plating on top of copper from my experience would be a BAD thing). I'm not sure what guage wire you guys use (I have some 24 solid AWG Cu from Radio Shack that gets the job done with my beater guitars). I would think 20 - 22AWG solid Cu would be the way to go (solid or stranded wire really doesn't matter).

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