
so i'm a sucker for a guitar center lunch break

anyway - I'm sort ashopping for a new amp
originally i wanted a rivera, then a mesa dc-5 (which i may still want)
and then a marshall
so any i've tried a rivera r-100 - which was so damn loud i couldn't actually audition the amp without blowing myself out of theroom
and i dinnt' have much time

today i saw a quiana - which i've been told is on the fendery side of the rivera line
well - as i asumed hte clean channel was excellent
but the lead channel (channel 1) blew me away
this thing was crunchy and went from vintage marshall to modern marshal/mesa distortion
i was very very very impressed
maybe i'm hearing htings wrong but this wasn't a vintage fendery amp - at least not when i was playing it

i later tried that marhsal dsl-50 (which i should have tried first)
its was a little buzzy and the clean channel really wasn't much to speak of
i would have liked it much more if i hadnt' just played the rivera

anyway - anyone have any experience with the quiana

sorry for the long post

Myles Rose over on guitar amp blueprinting thinks they're one of the best amps made:
from : localhost/www.guitaramplifierblueprinti...ampvendor.html

hmmm...the quiana huh...i can't pull myself away from the Fandango in my local shop to even try the quiana...all i know is RIVERA is my definite next amp!!! i'll give it a try when they call me and tell me the Hamer with tobacco burst is in so i can see the color in person!

i can never find a fandango to try
i hear its the new version of the jake
what's it like
need input

as a poitn of reference - i like my cleans to be fender twinny
and my distortion to go from marshall to mesa (but then again, who doesn't)

Originally Posted by Bluelinei can never find a fandango to try
i hear its the new version of the jake
what's it like
need input

as a poitn of reference - i like my cleans to be fender twinny
and my distortion to go from marshall to mesa (but then again, who doesn't)

i haven't compared the two so it'll be hard to has a heavenly clean channel...sparkle and quot;twinnyquot; (they even nickname the 2x12 the quot;twin-killer!!!!!quot;) definitely come to far as the lead going from marshal to mesa...i think it does that well and it even has a quot;scoopquot; knob that does just it a one touch mid scoop that gives a more modern distortion sound...?! it also has the quot;warmquot; knob that really brings out harmonics and just adds alot of richness... it also has a switch that cuts the power in you can decide the headroom and level you want it to break up at!!!

it does come with EL-34's instead of 6L6's though...the shop i go to only has them in the 1x12 versions...i really need to a/b them the next time i'm in there...i would really like to try the 4x10 Quiana...i love 4x10's!!!!!!

ive played the quiana's before, nice sounding amps. the one i saw was covered in a really nice dark red leather w 2x12's. full, bright clean sound and tight crunchy distorted tones

that's what i like
the tight crunch
maybe i'm just a 6L6 guy
but i gotta try a el34 - prob the fandango
but maybe the chubster or R series (though they dont' have the vintage modern or the mid scoop etc

i played the chubsters and pubster...great little amps and the sounds were second to none...but the fandango has such great's hard to beat...rarely...if ever...does something do so many things so well...but like you...i tend to like 6L6's i better play that quiana next time i'm in there!!!

Originally Posted by Bluelinei'm a sucker for a guitar center lunch break

Me, too
Rivera's rule.

its weird
i originally wanted the r-30, then the chubster
but i never got to play the chubster
maybe that will be my ticket
but i do seem to like 6L6 amps - even though the distortion channel is more important to me


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