
Building a Jazzbasstype 34quot; 4 string bass with 2 SD QP Split singlecoil Bassline pu. Want Pbass sound, so neck would be aprox 3,5 frets from bridge ( as Marcus Hoppus signature)
Want more overtones from bridge, so I plan to put the treble part at the same distance from bridge as 1:th fret, mid part will be same as a standard bridge jazzpu position and basspart of pu 1.67 fret from bridge.
Any other suggestions or should I just try?

welcome to the forum!!

ive never put two p bass pups in a bass but i think its a cool idea. if i were you id look at some warwick basses, ive seen them with two p bass pups

Originally Posted by jeremywelcome to the forum!!

ive never put two p bass pups in a bass but i think its a cool idea. if i were you id look at some warwick basses, ive seen them with two p bass pupsBC Rich used to do this pretty often as well

I´m not really sure what you´re trying to find out, as quot;Fretsquot; isnt exactly an easy thing to measure in an area where there are none, most use CM or inches... or am i totally misunderstanding you?

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