Hi, I have a wiring requirement not listed on the website, and I didn't see my pickup in any listing anyways.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Wiring for my set-up
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Suggestions for Humbucker combo. PLEASE HELP
I just bought a squier jagmaster with the intention of modifying it. It has duncan designed pups in it as stock. I am planning on playing through a jcm800 50watt combo. I am trying to get close to a quot;John Frusciantequot; tone. Any suggestions for a combo of humbuckers? I was thinking 59's or antiquity's but i really have no clue. Thanks in advance.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
What neck pup will balance well with an 8.2k Broadcaster?
I'm finally getting serious about replacing the stock neck pup in my Standard Tele(alder, 4 way switch) and need some tips on what will match with my Broadcaster? It's a bit hotter than the current Broadcasters so I'm a bit confused on what will match well. The Hot Rhythm has been mentioned before, what about the noiseless pups? Or am I better off choosing a different combo all together?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
WTB JB Jr. neck in black.
I'm looking to buy or trade for a JB Jr. neck in black. Also possibly a lil 59 N or Duckbucker middle. If you've got any of these, PM me, and we'll work something out.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Ok guys.. I have a birthday coming up. Usually, I just get money... this year is no different. But I am at a crossroads, and was looking for some input. Now, I still have $520... by the end of the month, I expect to have roughly $750 whatever my parents want to spot me. Now... I don't know whether I should buy a new guitar or a new amp. If I got a guitar it would probably be an LTD Ec-400... and if I got an amp; the amp I have now would go towards a cab. BUT.. whichever one I don't get for my birthday, I get for Christmas. My current train of thought is since the amp is a bigger part of the sound, I should just get the guitar now and wait and get a really nice amp.... I'm sure by now I've probably lost you with my needless elaboration.. but thanks for any help.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Humbucker sized adapters for mini humbuckers?
Does anybody make humbucker sized adapters for mini humbuckers? I'd like to try a mini in the neck of my 1980 Artist, but it has a full sized HB slot there. The recent single coil adapter thread made me wonder if someone makes a mini humbucker adapter.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
498T and 490R PUPS FT/OS
You guys probably seen this 100 times or don't care to much for them. Give me a good deal on them and i'll ship right away....Will entertain trades too.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Expanding Nut Slots...
I don't have any special nut files, but I'm pretty sure the stock nut on my MIM strat needs to have the slots widened to accomodate for my .11's. How would I do this?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
FS: Classic Stacks
2 Classic Stacks with white covers. Barely used, taken out of a brand new Jackson. $75 shipped in the CONUS.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
I got a neck from Warmoth and I want to put a finish on the headstock
I just got my new neck from Warmoth and the headstock is bare wood. I want to put a light finish on it to get rid of the bare wood. I`d also like to put a sticker on the headstock and then I guess I would finish it. How do I go about it?