Ok so... I've been learning Eugene's Trick Bag but its still those damn first arpeggios that are stopping me claiming glory..These are played at 130 BPM... but at the moment I can't get past 90. I'm using alternate picking because my sweep picking is pretty much non-existant. Is it humanly possible to play this using alternate? Or is sweep a must?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Need a hand with Eugene's Trick Bag..
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
blowin out some pedals
figured i would give some forum bros first shot. these are all new pedals from old stock in my store. all have full factory warraties.
pro-co RAT II $85.00
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
played a killer amp today
so i'm a sucker for a guitar center lunch break
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Brian May's Unreachable (?) Tone
I have a Vox AC30 and a treble booster but there's no way I can come even close to Brian May's tone. No, I don't have a Red Special guitar, but I nonetheless would've imagined I could approximate his tone. The reality is that the tone is just too sparkly, not the creamy distortion he gets. Doesn't matter if I dime the Vox.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
out w/ the old, in w/ the new...
Ok, I just did a pickup swap on my R8 Les Paul...I took out the Burstbuckers (a 1 and a 2 wounds by P.S.), let me start by saying that these pickups are better that good pickups, in fact IMO, these are the best Gibson pickups since the late 60's! They had a good, solid tonal range were not muddy and had a hollow/boxy midrange honk that all good PAF's have. That said I felt that they lacked some clarity and string to string defination as well as a little mojo (the mojo could just be my brain telling me that stock pickups need to be removed, but I do know that they lacked clarity and defination), also the bridge lacked just a little quot;stingquot; to my ears. I just got done giveing my new pickups a workout...I dropped in a set of Antiquitys...WOW!!! The neck measures 7.76k while the bridge comes in at 8.59k...for those wondering no, I didn't take the covers off, but I did remove some pole screws and know that both screw coils are cream, so at worst...I have a set of Zebras. Let me start off by saying that these pickups look amazing...nicely aged covers that do not look at all fake. The best part by far was the TONE! They are more difined that the Burstbuckers by far and the defination of these pickups is unreal...now, I do not play under very high gain so I have no idea if I could tune down to B and chug power chords and hear all the notes, and I don't care...that's not what these are for. Great clarity...an almost like 3D clarity, and a depth that I have never heard from any other pickup before, as well as amazing string to string defination The bridge was just a tad spankier than the bridge BB (which is good). Both pickups have a very warm woody tone with killer sparkle and even sound chimy in clean settings. I was worried that the bridge would be a little on the weak side but that's not true at all, I feel like they have just the right amount of quot;heatquot; to get a good crunch tone but still stay clean when you want to play clean. I don't even feel the need to try and tweak the height or the poles that much to be honest...it's safe to say I LOVE THESE PICKUPS and now my LP looks, feels AND sounds perfect.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Fender E-mail Address?
Need to ask fender a question about my amp, can't find an e-mail address on the site. Does anyone know what it is?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Jackson RR-1 Review
Alright, you guys wanted one, here it is.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
USA Peavey Wolfgang For Sale/Trade
I'm selling my #2 Guitar. I'm not looking for a big profit, its already paid for itself many times over.... Will accept any reasonable offer or trade for Splawn equipment/cash deal.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
FS: EH 6L6 Quad
I've got a used quad of EH 6L6's, with maybe 30 hours on them. I've since become an EL34 convert, and have no use for these. Make me an offer in the CONUS only.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
User group day pup
I mounted my user group pup today - a strat bridge made to sound like a tele 7.5K, alnico II, formvar 42 wire, scatterwound, vintage wax. And it does sound like a tele... big time.
It does seem to be a bit microphonic though. Any thoughts about that? Perhaps the base plate needs to be re-attached? or is it just the nature of the beast?