I was thinking about changing the bridge JB from my Jackson with an Evo. I want better pms and cutting leads...So what do u say?

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Sellin a few things on ebay, trying to get enough money to finish a few of my projects....

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i am going to sell or trade the following boss pedals.

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hey all, i have an esp ex-100 guitar and ive had if for about a year without any problems.. a few days ago when i came to play with it the output from the pickups drastically fell for some reason. I have no idea what happened, but the guitar wasn't hit or damaged in anyway. The volume control works fine, but the tone has stopped working for some reason - all i get is a crackling noise when i turn it. I checked the guitar's wiring and there doesnt appear to be any loose wiring.. HELP!!!

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selling those on ebay... free shipping for SD forum members!

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Selling a hipshot tremsetter.

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yup. says it all. pm me. thanks!

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I'm thinking about either an alnico 2 pro or a custom custom for the bridge of my mexi-strat. i currently have american strat pickups now, and will keep the neck and middle. its an alder body, maple neck/fretboard.

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I know DiMarzio makes a couple of models of this sort (the Model One and the Will Power Neck). Who else does? I don't see any mention of that style of pickup in either the main SD listings nor their Custom Shop models (and really, I'm not looking to pay CS prices).

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I have an American Fender Strat. It's all stock. Is there a pickup option that will give me a les paul sound and still be able to have the strat sound?

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