Well some guy has a used screamer 50 for 600 Euro and i am gonna go check it out.

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I always forget wich on eis the brighter, A2's or A5's?

software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Question for the learned ones!

software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...ADME:B:LC:US:1

software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

i have MIM tele body and i want to use a Wilkinson vintage compensated 3 saddle bridge. This bridge is 2 5/32 string spaced. Will this still be able to work on the 2 1/8 string spacing of the tele body. I know its not perfect but will the 1/32 difference prevent me from doing this?

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...and I will NOT be keeping them. Here's a list of the glaring errors I found:

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All righty. Here we go. Sorry to bother you all again, but I have a question.

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I have a BOSS DD-3 for sale, which has been modded by Indyguitarist.

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Anybody play one of these? Thoughts? Opinions?

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So i tried one of those variax acoustics and it sucks. It really let me down because from quite a few reviews that i read its supposed to be a bad ass guitar BULL****. the guitar played like plastic many of the models sounded the same, who knows a banjo sounded the same as a banjo and most all acoustics sounded like a P.O.S. jumbo acoustic. just thought i should warn any of yall if u wana to buy it before playin it.

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