anyone played one? they seem like a good way to get a mexi quality fender with a rosewood fretboard, since mexi teles with rosewood fretboards don't exist

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Why are the bobbins (I'm only talking about humbuckers here) on some SD's made of a shiny plastic and others with a dull, plain looking plastic? I really like the look of the shiny plastic myself but are there any reasons they're different?

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Its gonna match an aph-1n in my les paul classic.

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i've got a customized Fender MarcusMiller Sig model that's got a SD musicman HB in the bridge postition and have been trying to decide which Duncan jazz neck p/u to go with it. I really like the sound i get from the musicman in series along with the stock marcus neck p/u, but naturally, the single coil neck p/u hums like crazy so i was thinking about one of he duncan stacked humbuckers to throw in there, but can't decide whether to go for the hot stack or classic stack. or possibly something different like a dimarzio model j or ultrajazz.

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I like how SD lists what woods for the body and fretboard compliments each pickup. I wished EMG did that. Does anyone know of a good reference guide for EMG's regarding the woods? Or maybe even personal experience. Thanks.

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Hey does anyone know if the Epiphone Korina Guitars are solid Korina or just vaneer? What is vaneer? is it like korina? will it have the same tonal qualities and lightness of Korina? thanks

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expect a *HUGE* long post of stuff in the trading post if i get a shot at this

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Got a 2003 MIM Fender Strat, black, rosewood neck for trade. In great shape.

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I've heard that one of the problems with my particular head is the reverb...if that's ALL that ever goes wrong with it, I'll be happy..I hardly use it anyway...

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Thanks for the help installing the EMGs i got, i installed them and they sound wicked but i have one more questions
My 85 won't fit in my neck position and i tried everything, should i just shave some of the wood to make room? (and what tool would i use)

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