
I like how SD lists what woods for the body and fretboard compliments each pickup. I wished EMG did that. Does anyone know of a good reference guide for EMG's regarding the woods? Or maybe even personal experience. Thanks.

I guess EMG doesn't do that because it wouldn't matter.

Butch, don't ever post again. Currently you have 666

AHA he does!!! lol anyway...

Like he said I don't think it does matter all that much, an EMG will sound very similar if not the same to some ears than a passive pickup will.

Yes it goddamn matters. I hate these threads.

While it may not matter as much, it will sound fuller in a mahogany guitar than an alder, etc. A maple fretboard will MAKE A ****ING DIFFERENCE!

EMG's react to wood like all other pickups, just in slightly more subtle ways.

yes, subtle.

Jeff's 100% right. The wood matters.

I have found that EMG's sound better in manogany guitars. i am not a fan of their sound at the best of times

did someone say monogamy?

I'm outta here


bull crap....

hey Jackie, cool avatar!

oh and staying on topic i like how SD decribes the pups sooo much better than a few months ago.

Originally Posted by Butch Snyderbull crap....

I'm sorry, but how is that bull crap? There's been more than one person who has recorded an EMG 81 in different guitars and posted the clips for us to hear. There is definitely a difference.

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3I'm sorry, but how is that bull crap? There's been more than one person who has recorded an EMG 81 in different guitars and posted the clips for us to hear. There is definitely a difference.

I'm just kidding....

But it seems to me that the only EMG's this forum discusses is the 81 and 85 and how much better the 81 is than the 85. Throughout the 80's, Larry Carlton used EMG's exclusively in his Valley Arts guitars. He used an SA setup in his VA Strat and an 85/SA/SA in his signature VA. He sound pretty freaking good too.....

DSS do you mean it sounds better with maple fretboards vs rw or ebony? I want my next guitar to have emgs, probly something close to hammets guitar, i want a floyd again also.. i kind of miss my RG. Got any recommendations?

Check out ESP's website and take a look at the KH-2. Alder body, maple neck-through and rosewood fingerboard. Dual EMG 81's. Then, don't forget to tape your hand.

In around two months, we'll have a cool new enhancement to this site that will make using the tone chart much, much easier. Stay tuned.

Originally Posted by Evan SkoppIn around two months, we'll have a cool new enhancement to this site that will make using the tone chart much, much easier. Stay tuned.

Very Cool .... although the recent updates in other areas have been a big improvement already IMHO.

I like that about Duncan, not resting on their laurels but always pushing to improve ...

BTW Evan, thanks to the production side for getting the orders out really fast lately. Another much appreciated improvement for us dealers.

Originally Posted by Butch SnyderI'm just kidding....

But it seems to me that the only EMG's this forum discusses is the 81 and 85 and how much better the 81 is than the 85. Throughout the 80's, Larry Carlton used EMG's exclusively in his Valley Arts guitars. He used an SA setup in his VA Strat and an 85/SA/SA in his signature VA. He sound pretty freaking good too.....

Sorry for not catching the joking, I've just seen way too many threads like this.

The 85 kicks the **** out of the 81! I love my 85 and 707.
Originally Posted by suislidE03DSS do you mean it sounds better with maple fretboards vs rw or ebony? I want my next guitar to have emgs, probly something close to hammets guitar, i want a floyd again also.. i kind of miss my RG. Got any recommendations?

No, I just mean it will be brighter. For EMG's, I suggest a mahogany guitar.

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