I've got a MIA Fender Strat, and I'm after a '78 custom shop humbucker to put in my guitar. The problem is, I really like the look of single coil pickups on a strat and would'nt want to put a full sized humbucker in. Could the custom shop wind me a '78 model like the little '59s? Also, would this be tapable so I could get the same as or close to the single coil out of phase sounds I have now?
Hi Richard; Welcome to the forum. This doesn't address your question directly, but SD just came out with a new noise-cancelling single-coil set that they introduced at NAMM. A few of our resident Strat experts have tried them out and are raving about them.
Just thought I'd give you a quot;heads-upquot; on them.
Thanks, glad to be here
I'm not too bothered about the excess noise, I can deal with that, it's just the particular tone I was after. I'd want to have the EVH pickup tone from the guitar without ruining the classic strat look.
I'm sure they could do it, but it wouldn't sound exactly like the humbucker version. Stacked single coils will always sound somewhat different than their humbucker counterpart. A lot of it has to do with the way the coils are positioned, which in this case, is one on top of the other instead of side by side. That doesn't mean it wouldn't sound good, it just means that if you like the '78 humbucker, you might be disappointed with a stacked single coil version.
I JUST got a Lil PG...this is an Alnico 2 Strat sized humbucker from the Custom Shop...Im dropping it into my JV Strat as soon as I get a free few minutes...I'll will let you how it is if you like?
yeh thanks that would be cool, id love to hear it. i was actually thinking more of a pickup like that than a stacked one, a quot;Little '78quot;. As long as the tonal characteristics were closer to the normal 78 than any other strat sized pickup on the market, id be happy.
- Jan 12 Mon 2009 20:49
Custom Shop single sized humbucker