My CHarvel Model A, With 24 frets floyd rose ect, is now starting to buzz on the 8th fret G strng, No where else will it buzz except that one fret, It started once i put on new strings i went from 10-46 gauge ernieballs, to Ernieball Power slinky's 11,14,18p,28,38,48 Can anybody give me a hint to why it wud buzz in that place out of any, and for the record im playing 1 full step down, i tryed ajusting the bridge, leveling out the springs/strings to get it floating higher, neither worked, it is possible just the string or what cud it be?
YOu might be able at adjust the neck relief (add some) and get it to go away. But keep in mind that the nut was filed for a certain size string, and the original neck tension was set for a certain amount of string pull, set for a certain string guage, set at standard tuning. Necks need a little more flattness when the guitar is equipped with a FR, so I'm pretty sure it's from your changing the string guages, and being tuned down a full step, the neck doesn't have enough tension on it, so your neck relief went away, causing string buzz. Adjusting the bridge height usually only affects frets starting from around the 12th string and back toward the bridge. (12-24)
If it's just that one fret on that one string, then it could just be an uneven fret. And if you've just made some changes, maybe you just need a small setup to fix it.
I had the same on my telecaster when I bought it new. Changed the strings to 0.10's instead of 0.9's. And the buzzing was gone...
that fret might be higher than the others. I could have lifted a bit and it most likely did lift. I would change the strings back and see if it helps or take it to a good luthier.
- Jan 12 Mon 2009 20:49
1 Fret buzz WTF?