
???? im playing punk and some harder stuff but also love the bright clean tone can somebody explain me a little bit from them or more info on pick upsthanx..

I'd personally go with a passive pickup for that, so I'd say the SH-5.

Yes... if you're searching for a classic... (maybe vintage?) tone, you should definately go with passives.

The Custom would be the better pickup for that particular use IMO.

What's the guitar amp; amp situation like?

For that, get something other than the 81.

both pickups can rock out. but the custom has more character for cleans.

I put a Custom in my Fake Les Paul for exactly those uses. I was surprised to find that not only does it shine there, it manages to do a world of other stuff really well too. Great pickup. It tends to want to drive amps really hard (which is by design and you'd have a similar issue with the EMG) so you sometimes have to work to keep it under control if you're ever going for Slightly Dirty, but it lends itself pretty well to a number of styles.

thanx. i posted a few week bfore this but again .kool im staying with sh-5 but the tone and volume the pots .? they wrote me to go for cts brand .are they really gonna make sound better my pick up?? how? thanx.

The CTS pots probably won't affect your tone noticeably, but they'll last longer and work smoother than the others.

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