
Hey Guys,

A good friend of mine who plays the bass is looking for a combo amp.
It needs to be in the $300 - $400 range, any info on any brand would be very helpful as he hasn't bought a bass amp in a looooong time.

It would be used mostly at home for practice and jamming also some recording.

Thanks very much!

I went to an acoustic jam last Saturday. We had an SWR Workingman's 15 that sounded pretty good. I think they're a little more, but you might check those used, or one of their other models.

If he likes a Combo:

Ampeg BA BA112 1x12quot; 50W Solid State... its around 560€ over here but it's worth the price imo, very versatile

Warwick Take12 1x12quot; w/Horn 80W Solid State 370€ over here... I haven't played this but I heard good things about the Warwick combos...

The prices for your friend will be lower because of living in the USA though

Thanks guys! Anyone else want to chime in?

you can get a used ampeg solid state combo for cheap used on e-bay...i had one...i've also heard some good things about SWR's and the Fender line...(all used of course)

I have a Carvin PB200-15.

I'm happy with it.

Carvin PB200-15

Ashdown makes 3 lowbudget amps called quot;after eightquot;, quot;perfect tenquot; and quot;five fifteenquot;. I have the perfect ten and it sounds liked it costed twice as much or more!

Thanks a bunch guys, that should get him started!

Carvin Red Eye Combo

Here is my bass amp. It is unbelievable... but out of his price range new. If he can find one on ebay or wherever, it is well worth it.

a friend of mine has a roland cube 30 and its pretty damn cool

Yorkville makes some great amps in that price range. Definately worth checking out.

Another vote for Carvin. I played bass for 12 years in a band and always had compliments on my bass sound.

a sovtek mig-50 into a good bass cab is a surprisingly sweet bass setup.

SWR all the way. my band's bassist has a workingman 12 and it's loud, clear, and has great EQ setting versatility.

Originally Posted by JOLLYAnother vote for Carvin. I played bass for 12 years in a band and always had compliments on my bass sound.

which one? (2 were mentioned)

My dad has one of's a really cool amp.Roland review

I'm not normally a fan of Behringer stuff but the BX1200 is a pretty nice piece of kit.

Great suggestions everyone, and I add this Hartke

from : localhost/;brandID=3

Originally Posted by mig50a sovtek mig-50 into a good bass cab is a surprisingly sweet bass setup.

I have a bassist buddy who uses a '70s 100W Marshall SuperBass MV head through a Gallien-Krueger RBH 2x10quot; cab and he has some insane sound: raw, articulate yet dirty.I'd add Gallien-Krueger Basslines 115 or 210 to the bunch. Despite their kiddy size they do have an adult sound.

I say EDEN makes the best combos but its way outta that price range... go with the Ampeg or GK stuff

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