
this guy i know needed money fast for some reason and he offered to sell 3 of his pedals to me for $100. im gettin a BOSS SUPER SHIFTER, EHX BIG MUFF, and a DIMEBAG WAH in great condition for only a HUNDRED bucks. i feel ridiculously lucky. anywhoo... i have no experience with these pedals. and i dont even know which dime wah it is. anyone ever play these pedals? what do you guys think? thanks.

i got the cfh,
its farkin awesome. the most versatile wah i think ive ever seen. it does it all. i just cant say enough good stuff about it. the only thing that i will complain about is the location of the boost switch. every now and then, the cable will hit it and either turn it on or off. i need to just get a wireless and it would solve that problem. sounds like you got a good deal though no matter which dime you are gettin

very sweet score for $100!!


Originally Posted by hellrider77i got the cfh,
its farkin awesome. the most versatile wah i think ive ever seen. it does it all. i just cant say enough good stuff about it. the only thing that i will complain about is the location of the boost switch. every now and then, the cable will hit it and either turn it on or off. i need to just get a wireless and it would solve that problem. sounds like you got a good deal though no matter which dime you are gettin

The LED, man!! Check to see if the red LED is on!!


Nice score!! I've always wanted a Boss Super Shifter... *baby face*

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