So I was thinkiny the other day about my guitars...
I have a strat (a Squier, but I like the feel better than most strats I've played,) a strat style (the Yamaha) and a super strat (Charvel.)
What style of guitar do you guys feel most comfortable with?
My EB ain't shabby too.(too bad it sells tonight on the bay)
LP, explorer, SG.
explorers, hands down.
Some (super)stratshape I think. All goes, though.
For me, my favorite and most-used guitars have set necks, mahogany bodies, and dual humbucking pickups.
tele's with dual humbuckers.
strats, teles, jazzmaster/jaguar.
I like the middle of the road, PRS-Style, mahogany, set neck, 2 humbuckers. I also like Strats amp; SuperStrats, with either coil splits or a 5-way.
Only style I don't really care for is Gibson. Scale is too short, bodies amp; necks too bulky amp; usually not enough tonal versatility for my taste.
super strats are my favorite. but i can play pretty much anything.
I love Teles but long for something a bit more modern and unique. EBMM Axis guitars are kind like Teles but not quite.... Check out the one I'm designing....
LP and dual humbucker style guitars
Strat and super strat. My favorite is an arch-top superstrat!(a la schecter C-1)
Flying V's are kick-ass too!
strats. and jacksons, but the strat shaped ones.
Originally Posted by frigginalexFor me, my favorite and most-used guitars have set necks, mahogany bodies, and dual humbucking pickups.
Winnar! Nothing beats mahogany body (preferrably maple top), set neck, dual humbuckers. My Brian Moore fits the criteria, but I'd like to add a Schecter or two, an Agile and/or Tokai LP copy, and an Explorer or Flying V to my collection too. Wouldn't mind an SG either.
Strat shape =gt; SUPER STRAT =gt; Fender HM Strat
I'd have to say a S/S/H Strat is what rocks my world. The tonal versatility is awesome, and the feel of the neck is much comfier than most things out there.
They look awesome too.
I really dig my White Tipton Custom,but it really comes down to what you're comfortable with. I am a big fan of cheap guitars (I have tons of them and I'm always buying more!) Just because it's cheap doesn't always mean it's not good.....I have a Les Paul Copy that cost a $100.00 and it sounds as good as my real Les Pauls...Look at EVH's strat...He said it cost him $200.00... That's cheap. It really comes down to what you do with it.....EVH revolutionized the face of modern guitar with a $200.00 strat copy.......
Anything with deep cutaways and a long top horn works for me. I've got a Schecter 006, a Warmoth Soloist, and a Charvel Model 6.
Strat Style, preferrably and early 80's Gamp;L, S-500!
- Jan 12 Mon 2009 20:49
Favourite type of guitar?